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r7 <br />Av. 50� 7() <br />c r '172 P461%9 <br />aH�'5858 <br />DEED90-1 -7n SLgg <br />ALVARADO INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION, a California corporation, <br />the Party of the First Part, hereby <br />GRANTS to <br />MILLER MATERIALS CC. <br />f the Second Part, <br />s California corporation, the Party - <br />All that real property situated in the City of San Leandro, <br />County of Alameda, State of California, described as follows: <br />PARCEL 1: A portion of that certain parcel of land containing <br />10 acres, described in deed from Manuel Nunes to Robert Scott <br />Holmes and J. A. Ragghianti, dated August 13, 1951, recorded <br />October 26, 1951 under Recorder's Series No. AF/90641, in the <br />office of the County Recorder of Alameda County in' Book 6570 of <br />Official Records, page 592, bounded as follows: <br />Beginning at the point of intersection of the northeastern line <br />of Alvarado Street, 50.00 feet wide, as described in Grant of <br />EasemFnt, from San Leandro Industrial Corporation, a corporation, <br />to City of San Leandro, a municipal corporation, dated September <br />17, 1951 and recorded October 2, 1951 under Recorder's Series No. <br />AF/82938 in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County <br />(said line of Alvarado Street being shown on the map entitled, <br />"Tract 1125", filed October 3, 1951 in Book 31 of Maps, page 6,1, <br />in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County) with the <br />southeastern line of .vest Avenue 132, as said avenue is shown on <br />Sheet No. 2 of that certain "Record of Survey, Oakland Title <br />Insurance 8c Guaranty Company Property, Alameda County, California <br />filed June 3, 1947 in Book 2 of Licensed Surveys, at pages 28 <br />anA 29 and 30 in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda <br />County; rennin, thence along the said line of Nest avenue 132, <br />north 610 48' 4 " east 10.00 feet to a point on the exterior <br />boundary line of the said Oakland Title Insurance �k guaranty <br />Company rroperty, said point being the most western corner of <br />that certain panel of lan-i designated as "Manuel Nunes", on <br />Sheet No. 3 of said Record of Survey Map, said last mentioned <br />point being the ACTUAL P,,?INT OF COMMLINCEMENT; thence alonrp,, the <br />southwestern boundary line of the said 10 acre parcel of land <br />south 28' 06' 57" east 200.00 feet to a point on the northwestern <br />boundary line of that certain parcel of land designated as Parcel <br />1 in deed from Robert Scott Holmes, et al, to Rotex Punch Co., a <br />partnership, dated October 2, 1Qq;2 and recorded October 23, 1952 <br />:nder Recorder's Series No. AG/87499 in the office of the County <br />Recorder of Alameda County; thence along the said last mentioned <br />line north 610 73' 03" east 227.68 feet, more or less, to the <br />most southern corner of that certain parcel of land described <br />in Deed from Robert Scott Holmes, et al, to Spencer r�. Nahm Co., <br />a co -partnership, dated August 4, 1972 and recorded August 13, <br />1952 under Recorder's Series 11o. eG/66700 in the office of the <br />County Recorder of Alameda County; thence along the southwestern <br />boundary line of the said last mentioned parcel of land, nortti <br />28" 06, 57" west (the bearing given in the said Deed to <br />Spencer E. Nahm Co. being north 2do 00' west) 200.00 feet to a <br />point on the said southeastern line of 4est Avenue 132; thence <br />alonT the said last mentioned line south 61" 53' 03" west 227.66 <br />feet to the ACTUAL POINT OF COMMrMCEMENT. <br />