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<br />SAN LEANDRO INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION, a California corporation, does
<br />hereby GRANT and DEDICATE unto CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal corpora-
<br />tion, an easement of right of way for purposes of a public street and for
<br />all public street purposes, in, over and along the real property in the
<br />City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, described
<br />as follows, to -wit:
<br />PARCEL 1:
<br />BEGINNING at the most western corner of the 20 foot strip of land
<br />firstly described in the deed by Oakland Title Insurance and Guaranty
<br />Company, to Central Pacific Railway Company, dated June 16, 1947"
<br />recorded June 17, 1947, in book 5160 of Official Records of Alameda
<br />County, at page 235, (AB-51686); and running thence along the direct
<br />extension of the northwestern line of said 20 foot strip of land
<br />south 610 53' 18" West 60 feet to the direct extension northwesterly
<br />of the northeastern line of the 6.64 acre tract of land described
<br />in the deed by Kaiser Community Homes, to Ralph N. Brodie Co., dated
<br />May 7, 1951, recorded May 179 1951, in book 6440 of Official records,
<br />at page 217 (AF-42210); thence along the last said extended line,
<br />along the northeastern line of said 6.64 acre tract, and along the
<br />direct extension thereof south 280 13' 560 east 532.03 feet to a
<br />point distant north 280 13' 56" west 30 feet from the most northern
<br />corner of the 66.20 acre tract of land described thirdly in the deed
<br />by Henry Stenzel and Hattie Stenzel, to Fritz Stenzel, dated March 25,
<br />1909, recorded November 21, 1910, in book 1801 of Deeds, at page 358,
<br />Alameda County Records; thence north 610 53' 18" east 60 feet to the
<br />direct extension southeasterly of the southwestern line of the 6.70
<br />acre tract of land described in the deed by Kaiser Community Homes,
<br />to Pacific Iron and Steel Co., dated July 12, 1948, recorded July 15,
<br />1948, in book 5555 of Official Records of Alameda County, at page 403,
<br />(AC-55314); thence along last said extended line, along the south-
<br />western line of said 6.70 acre tract, and along the southwestern line
<br />of said 20 foot strip of land north 280 13' 56" west 532.03 feet to
<br />the point of beginning.
<br />PARCEL 2:
<br />BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the northeastern line of
<br />Alvarado Street 50 feet wide, as described in the grant of easement
<br />from San Leandro Industrial Corporation, a corporation, to City of
<br />San Leandro, a municipal corporation, dated September 17, 1951,
<br />recorded October 2, 1951, in book 6548 of Official Records, at page
<br />53, (AF-82938); Alameda County Records; (said line of Alvarado Street
<br />being shown on the map entitled Tract 1125, filed October 3, 1951,
<br />in book 31 of Maps, at page 69, in the office of the County Recorder,
<br />of Alameda County); with the southeastern line of West Avenue 132,
<br />as said avenue is shown on Sheet No. 2 of that certain record of
<br />Survey, Oakland Title Insurance and Guaranty Company Property,
<br />Alameda County, California, filed June 3, 1947, in book 2 of Licensed
<br />Surveys, at pages 28, 29 and 30, in the office of the County Recorder
<br />of Alameda County; running thence along said line of West Avenue 132
<br />north 610 48' 44" east 10.00 feet to a point on the exterior boundary
<br />line of said Oakland Title Insurance and Guaranty Company Property,
<br />said point being the most western corner of a parcel of land desig-
<br />nated as Manuel Nunes on Sheet No. 3 of said record of Survey; thence
<br />south 280 13' 56" east 1018.706 feet, more or less, to northwestern
<br />boundary line of said Tract 1125; thence along the last named line
<br />south 610 57' 06" west 10.00 feet, more or less, to said northeastern
<br />line of Alvarado Street 50 feet wide, above referred to; thence along
<br />- 1 -
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