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30 ,353, PA F 4T_ " <br />STATE OF ?,rEW YORK ) <br />COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) <br />On this /0 day of in Hundred and Fifty -Four, before me the �yeare Tusa Nine <br />a Notary Public in and for the said CoNew Yor , State <br />of New York, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared <br />F. R. KAPPEL, known to me to be the President of the Corporation <br />that executed the within instrument, and also known to me to be <br />the person who executed the within instrument on behalf of the <br />Corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such <br />Corporation executed the same. <br />IN WITNESS <br />my seal in the <br />day and year on <br />Q rc <br />Tk <br />HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed <br />said County of New York, State of New York, the <br />this certificate first above written. <br />$AAf11J1i11ITS N <br />ToUfltl / <br />NANY Publie, StatNew Ur <br />lie, al-4a71149 <br />Quslffied 1n Now York C#" <br />Certificate filed Nan yaj <br />Commiasirlu Bic 1M Yard so <br />Ponce 1 <br />State of New York, <br />County of New York, } ss" 1 No....... A........__........ <br />I, ARCHIBALD R. WATSON, County erk and Clerk of the Supreme Co , ew York County, a Court <br />of Record having by law s 1,kHE BY C TI at <br />✓V 1....�'ll.... _... <br />__ _......... ..._ �..... - ....—...... .._........ .. <br />whose name is subscribed to the ex affidavit, deposition, cer ' e of acknowled t <br />or proof; was at the time of t g the ame a NOTARYfertificate <br />C in and for the Stat <br />New York, duly commissioned d s)y6rn and qualified toLtas such throughout the toof Now York; that pursuant to aw a commission, or a of his official ch acter,4s autograph signature, have been filed in my offices ;uch Notary Pu 'c hega&Qly,authorized by the laws of the State of New York tster oaths and affirmations, <br />� �t secetvd and certify the acknowledgment or proof of deeds, mortgages, powers of attorney and <br />p ,Witten instruments for lands, tenements and hereditaments to be read in evidence or 1 <br />tirecorded in,this State, to protest notes and to take and certify affidavits and depositions; and <br />-that' I am well aegUainted with the handwriting of such Notary Public, or have compared the <br />sig4at�re on the_, annexed instrument with his autograph signature deposited in my office, and <br />believe that the signature is genuine. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREO..... ..... have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal <br />this ......._.................._....... ....... _day of..........._.._ . .. ............. ._......... <br />, 195_.... <br />FEE PAID 25¢ J <br />AW94 ✓ County Clerk and Clerk of the Supreme Court, New York County <br />