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?DEDEED���:( 3 <br />JOSEPH F. SYLVIA AND ANNA L. SYLVIA, �A <br />his wife, hereby grant to the CITY <br />OF SAN LEANDRO all that land situated in the City of San Leandro, Alameda <br />County, California, described as follows: <br />EEGD�RPJING at a point on the northwest line of Callan <br />Avenue as said avenue is shown on that certain map entitled, <br />"Map of East San Leandro," filed February 20, 1871 in the <br />Office of the County Recorder of Alameda County and of record <br />in Piap Book 2, page 24, distant thereon north 700 351 east <br />50.00 feet from the northeast line of Hyde Street as said <br />street is shown on said map, said point being also the south- <br />west corner of Lot 2 in Block 5 as said lot and block are > ( y <br />shown on said map;; running thence along the northwest line <br />of Callan Avenue north 70 35' east 50.00 feet to the north- <br />east line of said Lot 2; thence along the northwest line of <br />said Lot 2 north 190 25' west 2.75 feet; thence south 700 35' <br />west 50.0c feet to the southwest line of said Lot 2;thence <br />along the southwest line of said Lot 2 south 190 25' east <br />2.75 feet to the point of beginning. <br />To have and to hold the above described property unto it, the said <br />City of San Leandro, upon condition however that: <br />1. Grantee agrees, if requested by Grantors to construct a low retain- <br />w4l a <br />ing law to take care of any abrupt change in grade where such change of <br />grade appears. <br />2. That the Grantors be permitted to make any use of the remainder <br />of the parcel of land of which the above described property is now a part <br />which Grantors could have made of said property had this conveyance not <br />been executed. It is expressly agreed that should Grantors be restricted <br />in the use of said property by reason of its reduction in area then this <br />conveyance shall be null and void and title to the conveyed premises shall <br />revert to and be in the Grantors as fully as though this conveyance had not <br />been executed. <br />3. The acceptance of this deed shall have the same effect and bind- <br />ing force upon the Grantee as if the same were signed and sealed by the <br />Grantee. <br />Dated July % ,, 1953. <br />��y <br />