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93 PacT'€134 API4554 �%.d•-A <br />D E E D <br />c <br />j E; <br />r .., <br />1 <br />1 91A AfORES, a -w-f dow, the first party, hereby grants to <br />The CITY OF SAN LZAATDRO, a Mimidhal Corporation, the second party, <br />all that real property situated in the City of San Leandro, County <br />of Alameda, State of California, described as follows: <br />0 Beginning at a point on the western line of Santa <br />Rosa Str^et, formerly Pelton Street, distant thereon <br />- — south 190 251 east, 104.50 feet from the point of <br />intersection thereof, with the southern line of <br />is Callan ;venue, as said street and avenue now exist; <br />running thence south 190 �51 east along said line <br />of Santa Rosa Street, 45.50 feet; thence south <br />700 351 west, 68.17 feet; thence north 190 251 gests <br />45.50 feet; thence north 700 35t east, 68.17 feet to <br />the point of beginning. <br />y`Sa <br />Dated this 9tii day of January, 1958, <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />COTJ14TY OF AL HMA <br />On C'\ P49 , .before me, John A. Drad-rich III, <br />a Notary Sic ii and for said County and State, personally <br />appeared VIA AMORES known to me to be the nerson whose name is <br />subscribed tc +,he within instrument, and acknowledged to me <br />that she executed the sane, <br />1!y Commission Expires <br />December 17, 1959 - Pub 11c in for the <br />40(ount f Alameda, State of California <br />This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed <br />by the deed or grant dated January 9, 1958 from ANA AMCRES, a <br />widow, to the City of San Leandro, a municipal corporation, <br />is hereby accepted by orde of he City CoiLneil of the City of <br />San Leandro on .*0.4..ceffiber 1 �M 1............and the grantee <br />consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. <br />Dated :..Jain: 30:.1958 ..... . <br />AP t 4554 <br />By.. ............................ *... <br />.H. Burbank, City Clerk <br />RECORDED at REQUEST OF <br />California Facific Title Ins. Co. <br />2:30 E <br />Ai---------- ----------------- rt <br />FEB 1 J958 <br />EoeK859 PAGE134 <br />OFFICIAL RECORDS OF <br />ALAN:EDA COUNTY, CALIF. <br />Awa�� <br />li COUNTY RECORDER <br />D <br />