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e <br />0PTI011 <br />In consideration of _TE'I%I A_:D _ _ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _ _ _ S 1^_ �0 _ _ —) <br />DOLLARS, the receipt whereof i hereb;,r acknowledged, I hereby give to <br />ci�a1— <br />hereinafter referred to as Optionee, the option of buying, for the full price of <br />�,'ii?rl_r'r0 �;;_ _1011�0 _ _ _(S 1F�00 _ _ —) DOLLARS the <br />following described real property situated in the City of _San Leandro <br />County of _ i, _ _ — State of California, and more particularly described <br />as follars., to wits- <br />-------------------------—--------------- <br />Optionee shall have the right to close this application at any time within <br />— — JQ. 4PXP_ _ — —from date hereof, and I agree to execute and deliver to <br />Optionee, or to any one named by Optionee, a good and sufficient Grant Deed, On <br />the execution of said deed I am to be paid the further sum of SIXTEEN THOUSAND <br />_ FUR 1 [Ttjp> 'Y � _011„�� ,� �b,�Z 90n^ _ _ _ _) DOLLARS, in full payment <br />of the purchase price of said real property; but if said option is not closed <br />within from date hereof, I am to retain the said <br />sum of ,rn� nr _ _ _ _ _ (S10 _ ) DOLLARS, so paid as <br />aforesaid, as licuidated damages. If said Option is closed within the said <br />_319_si" _ _ _ _ _ — _ _ _ _ ^, the amount paid as aforesaid is to be <br />applied towards the purchase price. Time is of the essence of this contract, <br />ossession of nre�^i ses to be giv-n 45 days from close of escrow at no cost to the undersigned. <br />Dated this 28th day of v Janzar�:. —, 19 5 _ — �• <br />.h "'� -a' <br />--------------------- <br />State of California) 88 <br />County of Alameda ) <br />On this day of _ _19— — ^, before me, the undersigned <br />Notary Fublic, personalre ly appead <br />known to me to be the person described in and whose name _ _ _ _ _ _ <br />subscribed to and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that <br />executed the same. <br />Notary rublic in and for said County and <br />State <br />My Commission Expires: <br />