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INT <br />550145 <br />SCHEDULE "A" <br />COMiriELMG at the point of intersection: of the <br />southwest line of Santa Rosa ""treet, with the southeast line <br />of Callan Avenue, as said street and avenue existed January 1, <br />1c,50; thence south 70' 351 West, 66 feet, 2 inches, along the <br />last iaeritioned line to the actual point of begii.nint,; thence <br />continuing; south 70° 351 west, 42 feet, 7 inches, along said <br />line of Callan. Avenue; thence south 19' 251 east, 150 feet to <br />the southwest corner of the parcel of land described in quit- <br />claim deed fro14 Fred C. Bauer and Mary S. Bauer, his wife, to <br />M. S. DeSilva and Julia DeSilva, his wife, recorded May 12, <br />1942, in book 4229 at pale 154, uffiaial Hecords of Alameda <br />County, California; thence north 70' 351 east, 42 feet, 7 inches, <br />along the southeast line of the last mentioned parcel to the <br />southeast corner of the said parcel; thence north lC° 251 west, <br />150 feet to the point of beginning. <br />Page 3 <br />