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Reginning at a point in the southerly line of Callan Avenue, distant <br />thereon south 700 5' west 37.50 feet from the point of intersection <br />thereof, with the western line of Santa Rosa Street, as said avenue <br />and street are laid out in the City of San Leancro, Alameda k-ounty, <br />California; and running thence south 190 251 east, distant 114.50 <br />feet to a stake; thence south 700 35' west, distant 30.67 feet to <br />a stake; thence north 190 252 west, distant 104.50 feet to a -)oat <br />in the said line of Callan Avenue; thence along the last said line, <br />north 700 '50 ea; , -t::,n' " 1.67 f to the point of he -;inning. <br />