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ALVIN JAY FELD,' AN <br />AeiORNEV ^I LAW <br />6f,Q etTi{ AV<NUR. KRW YOaK 17 <br />OxTr)]tD 7 • 4300 <br />CAN,K ' Aiviwwr' <br />September 12, 1937 <br />Mr, G. Homor Hamlin <br />Public Workv Di�-ecto <br />City of an Leandro <br />San Leandro, California <br />Re: i�edlo C ompany - Dedication ad Approx- <br />_.rnatsly 48 Square Peet Corner of Davis <br />street and San Leandro Boulevard <br />Deasy Mr. H&.,nlin <br />am enclosing a deed, dated September 10, 1957, exe- <br />cuted and acknowledged by all of the general partners of Redlo Company <br />conveying to the Cs$y of San Leandro approxiniately 48. 30 square feet at <br />the corner of Davies Street and San Leandro Boulevard, San L oandra, <br />California. The de*d is in accordance with our previous correspondence <br />and cjnversations ,vrta.iaing to the dedication of said land to the City of <br />San Leandro so that the curb radius at the aforemention*d corner may be <br />lengthened. <br />On September 5, 1957, Mx. Feldman, counsel for Aedlo <br />Company, spoke to someone in your office by telephone and consented to <br />your 6utry upaax the area involved and your commencemewt of the concrete <br />work on the cur'' re -turn. You had requested such rigtt of entry ping <br />your receipt of the enclosed deed. Such orallconsent pertainod only to the <br />area convry*d in asia deed. <br />In accordance with your suggestion in your lets, doted <br />August 21, 1957, the unclosed deed provides that by accepting tfk@ d*" lrOu <br />agree to bearthe cast of aH chaxxgres to "" ructures axm�' coacrete vurk die <br />necessary by reason of acid grant., <br />