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Deed - Dolores Ave, extension - File 327, 1957 pt1
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City Council
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Deed - Dolores Ave, extension - File 327, 1957 pt1
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9/1/2022 4:42:31 PM
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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SCHEDULES B (Continued) AND C <br />PART TWO: This part of SCHEDULE B shows liens, encumbrances, defects and other matters affecting the title to <br />said land or to which said title is subject: <br />1- General and Special County and City taxes for the year 1957-58 now. <br />a lien, but not yet payable nor determined as to amount. <br />SCHEDULE C <br />Description of the land, title to which is insured by this policy: <br />All that lot of land situated in the City of San Leandro, County of <br />Alameda, State of California, described as follows: <br />PARCEL 1: Beginning at a point on the northwestern line of Palm <br />Drive, formerly known as Palm Court, as described in•instrument <br />from Minnie M. Pelton and Allen E. Pelton, her husband, to City <br />of San Leandro, a municipal corporation, dated June 18, 1917, and <br />recorded June 19, 1917, under Recorder's Series No. R/22594,'in <br />Book 2567 of Deeds, page 324, in the office of the County Recorder <br />of Alameda County, distant thereon north 620 001 east 120.00 feet <br />from the point of intersection thereof with the northeastern line <br />of Washington Avenue, formerly Watkins Street; running thence along <br />the said line of Palm Drive, north 620 001 east 56.00 feet; thence <br />north 280 00' west parallel with the said line of Washington Avenue <br />77.00 feet to a point on a line drawn parallel with the southeastern <br />line of Saunders Street and distant 341.22 feet southeasterly <br />therefrom, measured at right angles thereto; thence along the said <br />parallel line so drawn south 620 001 west 56.00 feet until <br />intersected by a line drawn north 280 001 west parallel with the <br />said line of Washington Avenue from the point of beginning; thence <br />along the line so drawn south 280 001 east 77.00 feet to the point <br />of beginning. <br />PARCEL 2: A non-exclusive perpetual easement and right of way, <br />appurtenant to and for the use of the owner or owners of Parcel 1 <br />herein described, for ingress and egress of pedestrians and vehicles, <br />over the following described parcel of land; <br />Beginning at a point on the northwestern line of Palm Drive, formerly <br />known as Palm Court, as described in instrument from Minnie M. Pelton <br />and Allen E. Pelton, her husband, to City of San Leandro, a municipal <br />corporation, dated June 18, 1917 and recorded June 19, 1917, under <br />Recorder's Series No. R/22594, in Book 2567 of Deeds, page 324, in the <br />office of the County Recorder of Alameda County, distant thereon <br />north 62° 001 east 176.00 feet from the point of intersection <br />thereof with the northeastern line of Washington Avenue, formerly <br />Watkins Street; running thence along the said line of Palm Drive <br />north 620 001 east 10.00 feet; thence north 280 00, west parallel <br />with the said line of Washington Avenue 77.00 feet to a point on a <br />line drawn parallel with the southeastern line of Saunders Street <br />and distant 341.22 feet southeasterly therefrom, measured at right <br />angles thereto; thence along the said parallel line so drawn south <br />620 00t west 10.00 feet; thence south 280 001 east parallel with <br />the said line of Washington Avenue 77.00 feet to the point of <br />beginning. <br />r, <br />
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