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I � <br />, q n "7 <br />For Use of Recorder Only <br />Corporation grant ;Deeb <br />_� LA L',_WELL HARDWARE C Oi,:PAN_f <br />a corporation organized under the laws of the State of California, <br />does hereby &rant to CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal corporation, <br />� c <br />the real property situated in the City of San Le an jr o, County <br />of Alame �,,_a , State of California, described as follows: <br />PORTION of lots 54_, and 55, as said lots are show.-i on the <br />. aid of "Tract 1445, 'an Leandro, Alameda County, California", <br />filed April 1, 1955 in book 35 of 1`aps, at pages 82 to 84 <br />inclusive, in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda <br />County, and a portion of the 10L�.10 acre tract or lard d�, - <br />.led in the deed by r1.'_Bec�%.t e '..i ., to Maxwell <br />Hardware Company, dated October 26, 1954, recorded October 29, <br />1954 in be ok 7465 of Official records of Alameda County, at <br />page 519, (AJ-96?59), described as follows: <br />BEG1IT11ING at a point on the southeastern line of Graff Avenue, <br />as shown on said Trap, distant thereon northeasterly 39.63 feat <br />frora the western line of said lot 55; running thence alonL said <br />line of Graff Avenue from a tangent that bears north. �40 47, 46" <br />east along 2 curve to the left with a.radius of 125 feet, a <br />distance of 43.69 feet; thence continuing along the last named <br />line tangent with the last nar_ed course north 540 46t 35" east <br />23.35 feet; thence from a tangent that bears south 540 46, 35" <br />west allow_&_-purve _ta_t1ip-- left wit-" -radius of 20 fee-t, a <br />distance of 31.42 feet; thence tangent with the last named <br />course south 350 13t 25" east 130 feet; thenc-n tangent with <br />the last named course southeasterly on a. curve to the right with <br />a radius of _51-650 feet, a distance of .O_7__feet: thence tanr.ent <br />with the last named course south 300 131 25" east 132,08 feet; <br />thence tangent with the last named course southeasterly on a <br />curve to the left with a radius of 30 feet, a distance of 20.52 <br />fe--t; thence southeasterly. -Rou-herly, westerly ari q' northerly-; <br />3n Witnt0l; Wbtrtd, said corporation has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed hereto and this instrument <br />to be executed by its duly authorized officers. <br />Dated :------•.L� 0: .-�...... <br />- ... T :i�._1 r»� IA.:yi._ nT <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />........................COUNTY OF ss. <br />................................................•---....................._..............--.---•----. --- <br />On ...... _. �..�..1..�. 5- ................... <br />before me, . . ............................- , <br />a Notary Publi�and for said.............................................................. <br />County and State, personally, a eared------------------------------------------------ <br />--------------------------------------•----..•-•-- �...1 r1'a n _ <br />known to me to be the .......... _... _._..__...... __-__-._ .__.__..._.President, and <br />...................................... F R.._J.R..ZeAedgh� ....................................... <br />known to me to be the__Vi9e President $=0= of <br />the corporation that executed the within instrument, and known to me <br />to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the <br />corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corpo- <br />ration executed the same. <br />WITNESS my hand and official seal. <br />(SEAL).... r.. .. ................. M•'" <br />Notary Public <br />My Commission Expires: A P R 2 1956 <br />Vice President <br />'L ..._------------- <br />------- <br />President <br />For Use of Recorder 0* <br />AL ! 04^02 <br />RECORDED at REQUES F M <br />At_- -I--- min. Past ./ ]� <br />00T . 419 <br />Booy,8_167 Pmin <br />OFFICIAL RECORDS CF <br />ALAMEDA COUNITTY, CALL; ORN;.\ <br />COUNTY ALCORDER <br />2500-8.56 OAKLAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY - - -- - -. . — -�-- --- _ <br />