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Beginning at the most western corner of lot 1, in blo&- <br />crg", as said lot and block are shown on the W. of "Tract <br />1039, Eden Tour-iship, Alaveda County, California", filed <br />September 18, 1950, in book 31 of 'Maps, at page 2, and running <br />thence along the southwestern line of said lot 1 and along <br />the southwestern line of Terra avenue, as shown on said map <br />south h7o 57t 55" east 154.98 feat to the northwestern line <br />of lot 4 in block "A", as said lot and block are shown on � <br />said map; thence -along the last nmed line south 420 021 0511 <br />west 59.82 feet to the most western corner of said lot 4; <br />thence along the direct extension of the southwestern line <br />of Aid lot 4; north 1480 59, 55" west 156.LQ feet to the <br />direct extension southwesterly of the northwestern line of <br />said lot 1; and thence along laid extended line north 420 <br />021 05" east 62.58 feet to the point of beginning, <br />