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F.0 K 83U7 Fi,G7-503 <br />P,Mt1197J5 <br />DEED <br />OMER HELMEAMP, also known as,: 4(, <br />OMER L. HELMKAMP and LORETTA E. HELMKAMP, <br />his wife, hereby grant to <br />the City of San Leandro, a municipal corporation, all that land situated <br />in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, de- <br />scribed as follows: <br />A portion of Lot H in Block 1, as said lot and block are shown <br />on that certain map entitled, "Map of the Town of San Leandro, <br />County Seat of Alameda County", filed February 27, 1855 in Book <br />1 of Maps, page 19, Records of Alameda County, California, more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />Commencing at the southeast corner of said Block 1, said corner <br />being also the point of intersection of the northwestern line of <br />Davis Street with the southwestern line of East 14th Street; thence <br />along the southeastern line of said Block 1 and said northwestern <br />line of Davis Street south 620 00' 00" west 175 feet; thence north <br />280 00' 00" west 212.48 feet to the actual point of beginning, said <br />point being on the northeastern line of said Lot H; thence south <br />420 00' 00" west 42.57 feet; thence north 280 00' 00" west to the <br />north line of said Block 1; thence along the last mentioned line <br />northeasterly to a line drawn north 280 00' west from the actual <br />point of beginning; thence south 280 00' east to the actual point <br />of beginning. <br />Dated: April 29, 1957. <br />Y <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) <br />ss. <br />COUNTY OF ALAMEDA <br />On 1957, before <br />a NotaryPublic n and for the Count of Alameda State of Y California, <br />personally appeared OMER L. HELMKAMP and LORETTA E. HELMKAMP, his wife, <br />known to me to he the persons whose names are subscribed to the within <br />instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same.4&l i <br />RECORDM w REQUZST OF <br />. - �1 W.�J Y•' 1 <br />ary and for the Co ty AT ;30 A. hi. <br />ameda, State of Californi . <br />MAY 17 1957 <br />17.�f, <br />