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The City of San Leandro proposes to extend Hays Street from its <br />present termination at San Leandro Creek northeasterly to East 14th <br />Street. To that end, it is acquiring property from the undersigned <br />Omer L. Helmkamp, et al. As a part of one over all transaction, and in <br />consideration of the execution of a deed of even date herewith, where- <br />by Omer L. Helmkamp, et al grant to the City of San Leandro certain pro- <br />perty therein described, the City agrees that it will, without cost to <br />grantor, pave, curb, and gutter said improvement. Thereafter, said im- <br />proved street shall be held by the City of San Leandro subject to all <br />the rights and obligations the City has for the maintenance of public <br />streets generally. <br />In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have executed this agree- <br />ment this 29th day of April, 1957. <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />By <br />yor <br />