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SCHEDULES B (Continued) AND C <br />PART TWO: This part of SCHEDULE B shows liens, encumbrances, defects and other matters affecting the title to <br />said land or to which said title is subject: <br />1- General and Special County and City taxes for the year 1957-58 <br />now a lien, but not yet payable, nor determined as to amount. <br />2- Any easement for water course over that portion of the herein <br />described property lying within the lines of San Leandro Creek, and <br />to any changes in the boundary lines of said property that have <br />occurred or that may hereafter occur from natural causes and by <br />imperceptible degrees. <br />SCHEDULE C <br />Description of the land, title to which is insured by this policy: <br />All that lot of land situated in the City of San Leandro, County of <br />Alameda, State of California, described as follows: <br />A portion of Lot H in Block 1, as said lot and block are shown on that <br />certain map entitled, "Map of the Town of San Leandro, County Seat of <br />Alameda County," filed February 27, 1855 in Book 1 of Maps, page 19, <br />Records of Alameda County, California, more particularly described <br />as follows: <br />Commencing at the southeast corner of said Block 1, said corner being <br />also the point of intersection of the northwestern line of Davis <br />Street with the southwestern line of East 14th Street; thence along <br />the southeastern line of said Block 1 and said northwestern line of <br />Davis Street south 6210 00t 00" west 175 feet; thence north 280 00, 00" <br />west 212.48 feet to the actual point of beginning, said point being on <br />the northeastern line of said Lot H• thence south 42° 001 00" west <br />42.57 feet; thence north 28° 00, 00A west to the north line of said <br />Block 1; thence along the last mentioned line northeasterly to a line <br />drawn north 28° 001 west from the actual point of beginning; thence <br />south 28° 001 east to the actual point of beginning. <br />