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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO. 3229 C.M.S. <br />RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DEED <br />(Omer L. Helmkamp, et ux) <br />Whereas, there has been presented to this City Council a certain <br />Deed dated April 29, 1957 to a parcel of land more fully described in <br />said Deed to the same executed by Omer L. Helmkamp and Loretta E. Helm - <br />tramp, his wife, to the City of San Leandro, and which conveys to said <br />City of San Leandro said parcel of land. <br />Now, therefore, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does <br />RESOLVE as follows: <br />That said Deed and the land therein describedi be and the same <br />hereby is accepted by said City of San Leandro. <br />Introduced by Councilman Swift <br />and passed and <br />adopted this 6th day of My , 1957, by the following called vote: <br />Ares: Councilmen:DGm, Frafier, Gill,, Kant, Wtester,* <br />nwift, Krick ( 7 ) <br />Noes: Councilmen:i)one (0 ) <br />Absent: Councilmen: Nom (0 ) <br />t <br />it <br />Mayor of the City of San Leandro <br />Attest: <br />Burbank, City Clerk <br />I, the undersigned, H. H. Burbank, City Clt-rk of itjW. City <br />Of tun Leandro, hereby certify the foregoinL to be a full, <br />true, and coact copy of :zs. I+o. 3M C.:1 adopted at <br />a WOUT7, of raid City Couru; .l On May 6, 19 at can <br />Leandro, California. <br />5/7/57 5/6/57/ah <br />City Cleric <br />0-i <br />