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• <br />• a <br />„Y <br />1jr •�I .�, <br />Z <br />5 <br />..1 <br />Y <br />Z <br />o <br />t~ � <br />'I <br />FOR USE OF RECORDER ONLY wK 8384 F JE 49 <br />• o . • . 0 1;:: :° - O_�_I......�—j-c;; O <._ �..; o ._•.. 0-�1+.��-��-_.L..I•- O I rsI- A =,I:+.I <br />rp % <br />FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged <br />a married man <br />GRANT to the CITY OF SAN LEANIRO, a M_urLi cipal Corporation <br />all that real property situated in the <br />ereby <br />City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, described as follows: 0d <br />A portion of Hays Street and Lot H, Block 1, as said street, lot, and block are shown on 1, <br />of the map entitled,"MAP OF THE TOWN OF SAID' LEANDRO, COUNTY SEAT OF ALAMED4 COUNTY", filed <br />February 27, 1855 in Book 2o. 1 of Maps, page 19, Records of Alameda County, California, <br />more particularly described as follows: 3 <br />to <br />Beginning at the southwest., corner of said Block 1, being also the point of intersection of <br />.-. <br />the northwest line of Davis Street with the northeast line of Hays Street, as shown on <br />said map; thence north 280 001 west 119.76 feet along the southwest line of said Block 1 <br />to its intersection with a non —tangent curve concave to the east and having a radius of <br />93,60 feet, a radial line to this point bears south 720 222 1211 west; thence northwesterly,° <br />northerly, and northeasterly 66.15 feet along said curve; thence north 280 001 west to the 01 <br />centerline of San Leandro Creek; thence southwesterly along the said centerline of San <br />o <br />Leandro Creek to its intersection with the centerline of said Hays Street; thence south 28e` <br />,. <br />001 east along the said centerline of Hays Street to its intersection with the prolonga•. o <br />•! <br />tion of the said northwest line of Davis Street; thence north 620 001 east 30.60 feet along_, <br />said prolongation to the point of beginning, excepting the following described parcel of <br />land which begins at the same point of beginning as the above described parcel of lande <br />ti <br />thence north 280 001 west 119.76 feet to a point of cusp with a curve concave to the east o <br />►= <br />and having a radius of 93.60 feet, a radial line to said point of cusp bears south 720 U. <br />221 11" west; thence southwesterly 11.99 feet along 4aid curve to a tangent line; thence : <br />south 240 581 16" east 108.00 feet along the said tangent line to the said prolongation of " <br />the northwest line of Davis Street; thence north 620 001 east 7.10 feet along the last <br />' w <br />mentioned line to the point of begs .nning. �q <br />The first above described parcel of land contains 120053.15 square feet, more or less. <br />The second above described parcel of land contains 466.92 square feet, more or less. @A <br />OaAa <br />IL� <br />r; <br />®d <br />r <br />s a <br />1.0 <br />DATED May..9, 1957 y, <br />Y <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />COUNTY OF ALAMEDA <br />On May 13, 1957 before me, the undersigned <br />a Notary Public in and for said County and State personally appeared <br />Daniel Murpby <br />known to me to be the person whose name is s ibed to the <br />within instrument, and acknnwledRed tQ me that he —exe uted t same. <br />r9atd CnLAvy,%nd State. <br />s,a When recur e ail to: -1-4 <br />y C 1 erk , <br />Name <br />Address City Hall, San Leandro <br />I City <br />, Ualifornia . <br />AN56Q 13 <br />FOR RECORDERS USE ONLY <br />RECORDED at REQUEST 0+ <br />�4! irt� �', �ounty . <br />B11 K83844 fr E4 <br />Form 7o Appl. No <br />