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A portion of Hays .;treat and Lot H. Block 1, as said street, <br />lot, asld black are shown on the map entitled, "t'AP OF iu . 'RY-N 0r <br />skid L.A?+DiO COUNTY ?:,"'I' A.I.3-I:,;:;A uJlltliY". tiled February 27, 18Z5 <br />in Book *o. 1 of flaps, page 19, Records of Alameda �;ounty, California, <br />more particularly described as followsr <br />Bes_;inning at ttie southwest corner of said _:lock 1, seine, also <br />the point of intersection of the northwest line of L;avis Street <br />with the northeast line of Kaye Street, as s_=.ovn on said :reap; the.;ce <br />north 280 00' vest 11.9,76 feet along the southwnst line of said <br />Mock 1 to its intersection with a nor -tangent curve concave to <br />the east and having; a radius of 93.60 feet, a. radial line w this <br />point bears south 720 22' 12" west; thence northswste:rly, northerly, <br />and northeasterly 66.15 feet along said curve; thence north 280 001 <br />west to the centerline of San Leandro Creek; thence southwesterly <br />alon the Faid centerlines of .)an i*&Pi�ro ::rcc.k to its inter ection <br />with the centerline of said :lays Street; thence eoutu 280 00' erect <br />alon;- the said centerlins of 14ga ,treat to its intersection with <br />the prolon ation of the said northwest line of Davis ;.street; thence <br />north 620 Cy',' east 30,60 feet along said prolon,;ation to the point <br />of beginning+, , e* th-, follovin ; described parcel of land <br />which begins at the mar-- paint of beginning as th(- above described <br />parcel of landDtheence nort,i 280 00' most 119.16 feet to a pint <br />of cusp with a curse concave to the east and having a radius of <br />)3.60 feet, a radial line to said point of cusp bears south <br />720 22' ll" west; thence southwesterly 11.99 feet along said curve <br />to a tan;;ent line; thence south 240 St' 16" east 10,00 feet alons; <br />tees said tatvrent lire to the said prolonE;ntion of the northeast <br />line of 7`avis street; thence north 620 J0' east 7.10 feet along <br />the last e-ntioned line to th,� point of beginning. `j_ <br />�Ihe first above described parcel of land contains 12,053.15 <br />square feet, mor•^ or lass.)'Che -scud above described parcel of <br />land contains h66.92 square feet, ore or less. -i­ <br />Compiled: RUE <br />Checked: JA <br />5/7b7 <br />is <br />