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a <br />CITE" OF SAN LEANDRO <br />SA\ LEANDRO, CALIFORNIA <br />City Council <br />City Hall <br />San Leandro, California <br />Gentlemen: <br />June 15, 1956 <br />;',ECETNTED / <br />CITY OF S",N LEANDRO <br />At a regular meeting held June 14, 1956, the Planning Commission con- <br />sidered your referral of the resolution, accepting the conveyance of <br />land from TvcGuire and Hester, which was sent to the Commission on <br />Pray 29, 1956. <br />The Public Works Department and the Planning Department arranged a <br />conference with the owners of the property, and submitted to the Com- <br />mission for consideration the following agreement which was proposed <br />by McGuire and Hester and accepted as a working basis by the represent- <br />atives of the two City departments mentioned above. <br />McGuire and Hester proposed that a floating roadway reserve be est- <br />ablished between the northwesterly boundary of Lot 7, Tract 1606, and <br />the end of the cul-de-sac on Hester Street. This floating reserve is <br />to be reserved for City acquisition by payment of a fair market price <br />at any time within three years from the acceptance of the dedicated <br />addition to Hester Street by the City Council. McGuire and Hester <br />will reserve the right to select the property involved within the <br />limits aforementioned. At the meeting of the Planning Commission the <br />proposal was discussed and accepted by the Commission with the follow- <br />ing additional proviso. <br />McGuire and Hester agree that they will reserve the floating roadway <br />location for an additional two years period in the event the property <br />in question is not required for sale. In the event a sale is imminent <br />during the additional two year period, the City of San Leandro would <br />be required to purchase the roadway reserve or forfeit their right to <br />such reservation. <br />The Commission feels that this roadway reserve may be an important item <br />in the development of the property ly to the ebLst of McGuire and <br />let <br />Rw� <br />P-46 <br />