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AGREEIENT <br />This Agreement made this 3d day of January, 1956, between the City of <br />San Leandro, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called "City" and Anthony <br />M, Mesa and. Felicia R. Mesa, his wife, hereinafter called learners"; <br />WI TNESSETHs <br />REC'T TA' LS <br />City has purchased property described as "Lot 2 of Del Orta, according <br />to the map thereof filed February 7, 1925 in the office of the County Re- <br />corder of said Alameda County and of record in Map Book 4, page 1" San Leandro, <br />Alameda County, Cali£ornia,from owners. Owners desire to remain in possession <br />of said property until February 1, 1956 without cost to them. City is agree- <br />able to this arrangement,,: <br />Now, therefore, in consideration of the premises, it is agreed - <br />That owners may remain in possession of said premises until February <br />1, 1956 without cost to them. <br />Should owners for any reason fail to vacate said premises on or before <br />February 1, 1956, owners agree to pay the sum of Ninety ($90.00) Dollars per <br />month as rent for said premises and agree to move from said premises at any <br />time thereafter providing City gives owners notice in writing so to do. <br />Said notice to be given at least five (5) days in advance. Deposit of such <br />notice in the U. S. Post Office at San Leandro, California, addressed to <br />owners at said property known as 78 California Street, San Leandro, California <br />with the postage thettein prepaid, shall be deemed compliance with this provision. <br />In case a suit is brought to enforce this agreement, defendant therein <br />agrees to pay plaintiff such sum, in no event less than One Hundred ($100.00) <br />Dollars, as the Court may adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees in said suit. <br />In Witness Whereof, the parties have executed this Agreement the day and <br />year hereinabove first written, <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />Foil 19.,_1 UTY I.1.AN1iGER <br />By-- <br />GEARLW'2". RHON <br />% Anthony M. Mesa <br />Felicia R. Mesa <br />