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530:3 PAGE2 6 <br />as joint tenants the first pantie s , hereby <br />Grant to THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO. a miinicApal C0rj3Qrgtinn- <br />1- 3 <br />CITY OF <br />the second party 'all that real property situated in the SAN LEjWDR0 <br />County of Alameda, State of California, described <br />as follows: <br />A P01'TION of Lot 15, as shown on the T,Eap of <br />"D4evers-tiller Tract, Subdivision A, San Leandro, Cal -if.".. <br />filed November 12, 1912, in Book 27 of Yaps, page 25, <br />in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County, <br />bounded as follows; <br />BEGINNING at the most western corner of said. <br />Lot 15; running thence.along the Vlestern boundary line <br />thereof, north 7° 221 20" east, 40.40 feet to a point <br />on the northern boundary line of.said Lot 15• thence <br />along the said last mentioned lin8, north 87� 461 40" <br />east, 10.14 feet; thence south 7 221 20" west, 40.40 <br />feet to a point on the Southern boundary line thereof; <br />thence along.the said last mentioned line, south 870 <br />461 40" west, 10.14 feet to the point of beginning. <br />In Mitntoo Mbereof, the said first partie s have executed this conveyance this <br />eighteenth day of August <br />19 47 <br />Form 70 <br />