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600K 0685 mt <br />FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY <br />—_—_— H. —B,-HSINS • a single person, ------_—...-----..._ <br />first parrs* , hereby <br />Grants to CITY OF SAXT LEAN DRO, a municipal corporation <br />the second part y , all that real property situated in the City of San Leandro <br />County of Alameda, <br />State of California, <br />M <br />described as follows: <br />BEGIMNING at a point on the southeastern line of <br />West Avenue 132, formerly First Avenue, distant thereon north <br />621 east 2082 feet from the northeastern line of the right of <br />way of the Southern Pacific Company, formerly The South Pacific <br />Coast Railroad Company, as said right of way existed prior to <br />N:arch 9, 1944; and running thence along said line of ',vest Avenue <br />132, north b2" east 30 feet; thence south 281 east 758.07 feet; <br />thence from a tangent that bears south 21 48, 22" west, along <br />a curve to the right, with a radius of 372.24 feet, a distance <br />of 60e36 feet to a line drawn south 281 east from the point of <br />beginning; and thence north 281 west 610.37 feet to the point of <br />beginning. <br />DATED this 3r d day of arc,-, <br />a <br />-- ----- -----...._._...---------------------- -- / ---�— - ---------- -- — <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA, i <br />COUNTY OF ALAj'.1ELA s �' <br />Notaryore me ........... E.s_... E.t... J One s <br />a Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared <br />II. B. HIGGII S <br />known to me to be the person whose name i S subscribed to the within <br />instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. <br />My commission expires I <br />Notary Public - for the <br />!,:aCountyof A 1 . _ed <br />rch...1.7 1y52 . a State of California. <br />---�-•-•--.... <br />For Use of Recorder Only <br />RE 'ORDED a�REQ � <br />Ac_O'-'(q__ Mm. Past 10k <br />MAR 20 1952,,7 <br />OFFICIAL RECORDS OF <br />ALJaAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA <br />.%,/- "—,f <br />I.VIJi,ii RLC.OR:7F_]t <br />A/ 70 <br />3000-10-50 Oakland Title Insurance and Guaranty Company, Title Insurance Building, Fifteenth and Franklin streets, Oakland, California. <br />