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• �ooit� ��d � Fars � �� <br />AMERICAN BLOWER CORPORATION hereby grants to the City of <br />San Leandro, a municipal corporation, all that real property in <br />the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, <br />described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the north- <br />west line of First Avenue (West Avenue 132) with the south- <br />western line of Merced Street, said point being distant north <br />62® 309 east 2045.73 feet from the northeastern line of Menlo <br />Street, 100 feet wide, as said last named street is shown on <br />the Map of "Mulford Gardens, Unit No. 111, filed May 2, 1927, <br />in book 12 of Maps, at page 69, in the office of the County <br />Recorder of Alameda County; thence north 27° 301 west along <br />said line of Merced Street 35.00 feet to a point of cusp with <br />a tangent curve concave to the northwest having a radius of <br />35.00 feet and a central angle of 90°; thence southerly and <br />southwesterly along said curve a distance of 54.98 feet to a <br />point of cusp with the said northwest line of First Avenue <br />(West Ave 132); thence tangent to said curve north 62® 301 <br />east 35.00 feet to the point of beginning. <br />Containing 262.89 sq. ft. <br />Dated: June 20, 1956 <br />Signed in Presence of: <br />Doris S. Deat= <br />Deane H. Wilson <br />State of Michi6an) <br />ss. <br />County of Wa,.-ne ) <br />AMERICAN BLOWER CORPORATION <br />On this 20th day of June A.D. 1956 before me, a Notary Public <br />in and for said County, personally appeared J. C. Linsenmeyer and <br />R. D. Andrew to me personally= known, who bein` by me duly sworn, <br />did each for himself say that they are respectively the President <br />and Secretary of American Blower Corporation the corporation named <br />in and which executed the Within instrument, and that the seal <br />affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, <br />and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said <br />corporation by authority of its board of directors; and said J. C. <br />Linsenmeyer and R. D. Andrew acknowledged said instrument to be the <br />free act and deed of said corporation. <br />Arthur G. Conklin, Jr. <br />Notary Public, Wayne County: Kiichig4n os <br />+� . y <br />My Commission expires February 12, 1958 <br />N. <br />322 <br />