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SCHEDULE A <br />DESCRIPTION OF AMERICAN BLOWER CORPORATION <br />PROPERTY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />REAL PROPERTY situated in the Township of Eden, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, describe, aJ lu Mowsa <br />Commencing at a point on the northwestern line of First Avenue <br />(West Avenue 132), said line being the City of San Leandro <br />Boundary as established by Ordinance No. 758 N.S. and as <br />shown on that certain map entitled "Map Delineating Boundary <br />of Territory Annexed to the City of San Leandro, California <br />by Ordinance No. 758 N.S. under Annexation of Uninhabited <br />Territory Act of 1939," filed June 25, 1948 in book 16 of maps <br />at page 42, Records of Alameda County, California, distant <br />north 620 30' east 1362.44 feet from the intersection thereof <br />with the northeastern line of Menlo Street, 100 feet wide., as <br />said last named street is shown on the map of "Mulford Gardens, <br />Unit No. 1," filed May 2., 1927 in book 12 of maps at page 69 <br />in the Office of the County Recorder of Alameda County; thence <br />north 270 30' west 637.50 feet along the southwestern line of <br />the tract of land annexed to the City of San Leandro by <br />Ordinance No. 805 N.S. to the Actual point of beginning of the <br />parcel of land to be described; thence w ntinuing north 270 30' <br />west 15.00 feet; thence north 620 300 east 683.29 feet to the <br />southwestern line of Merced Street., said line of Merced Street <br />being the City of San Leandro Boundary line as established by <br />Ordinance No. 957 N.S.; thence along the last named line, <br />south 270 30' east 15.00 feet to the northwestern line of the <br />said tract of land annexed to the City of San Leandro by <br />Ordinance No.805 N.S.; thence along the last named line south <br />620 30' west 683.29 feet to the actual point of beginning. <br />The above described parcel containing 0.235 acres, more or less. <br />I, the undersigned Acting Public Works Director of the City of San <br />Leandre, do hereby certify that the foregoing description of American <br />Blower Corp. property proposed to be annexed to the City of San <br />Leandro is a true, full, and complete description of said property as <br />prepared by the Public ':works Department. <br />l vZ� <br />�4es L. Lartin, Acting Public .works Dir. <br />NR <br />5/9/56-ss <br />