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v - Bov,6 i1 8 P,a r,5'67 <br />AF39839 <br />D E E D <br />This Indenture, Made this 18th day of May, 1950, between <br />HARhY W. BOGAhT, YiABEL J. B,;Gl;hT, his wife, ANN E. BOGART, a <br />widow, ANNIE L. JohN SON, a widow, H. R. GIBSON, BLANCHE C. <br />d1BSON, his wife, G. WAL2ER JOIEiSON, MILDRED J. JOHNSON, his <br />wife, PATRICIA ANN JvHNSOh (single), JANICE J. JOYCr-_, GLEN <br />L. JuN�dSON, UALSY B. JOHNSuN, his wife, it+IAYNI: L. JOHNSON <br />and MARGAf:ET T. JCIE4SON, his wife, <br />the parties of the first part, and the City of San Leandro, a muni- <br />cipal corporation, the party of the second part, <br />ulitnesseth, that the said parties of the first part, for and <br />in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars, the receipt whereof is <br />hereby acknowledged, do grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto the <br />said party of the second part, and to its heirs and assigns forever, <br />all that land with appurtenances situate in the City of San Leandro, <br />Alameda County, California, and particularly described as follows, <br />to wit: <br />COI4WENCING at a point on the southeastern line of hest <br />Avenue 132, formerly First Avenue, distant thereon north 620 east <br />2112 feet from the northeastern line of the right of way of the <br />Southern Pacific Company, formerly The South Pacific Coast Railroad <br />Company, as said right of way existed prior to March 9, 1944; run. <br />thence south 280 east 758.07 feet to the ac t-sal point of beginning <br />of the parcel of land to be described; running thence from said <br />actual point of beginning south 280 east 235.59 feet; thence south <br />620 west 30 feet; thence north 280 west 163.29 feet to the western <br />line of the 0.596 acre tract of land described in the deed by <br />H. B. Higgins to harry V. Bogart, et al., dated September 28, 1948, <br />recorded October 4, 1948 in book 5618 of Official Records of Alameda <br />County at page 437 (AC/76170); thence along the last named line <br />northerly on a curve to the left with a radius of 372.24 feet a <br />distance of 60.36 feet to the actual point of beginning. (Contain- <br />ing 0.14 acres, more or less). <br />In Witness 4hereof, tkie said parties of the first part have <br />hereunto set their handp- seal the day and year first above written. <br />V <br />