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REP - 10/1/53 - VTI - 92413/314 <br />p ry,')r,c+ J (1 ►� <br />BOOK � �i...0sr,,�;��56 <br />THIS INDENTURE, made this /,? 7� day of (�V j - , <br />195 , by and between CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILWAY COia,PANY, a corporation <br />of the State of Utah, and its lessee, SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY, a <br />corporation of the State of Delaware, hereinafter collectively termed <br />"Railroad," and CITY OF 6i�N LEikNDFO, a municipal corporation, herein- <br />after termed "Grantee"; <br />WITNESSETH: <br />1. Railroad hereby grants to Grantee (subject to the reserva- <br />1 4�-0?% <br />Lions, covenants and conditions herein contained) the right to construct, <br />reconstruct, maintain and use an 8-inch industrial sewer and an 8-inch <br />domestic sever, hereinafter called "structure," beneath the track of <br />Railroad and across that certain strip of land, 10 feet in width, sit- <br />uate, lying and being in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, lying equally 5 feet on each side of the center <br />line described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at the point of intersection of a line <br />parallel with and distant Southwesterly, 30 feet, at <br />right angles from the southwesterly line of Lot 9 <br />Tract 1125, as said Lot is shown on Map of Tract L25, <br />Tan Leandro, Alameda Ccunty, California, filed for <br />record October 3, 1951 in Book 31 of Maps at page 69, <br />Alameda County Records, with the northwesterly line <br />of a 15-foot wide strip of land described thirdly in <br />deed frcm Oakland Title Insurance and Guaranty Company <br />to Central Pacific Railway Company dated June 16, 1947, <br />recorded June 17, 1947 in Book 5166 of Official Records, <br />at page 235, Alameda County Records and lying North. <br />westerly of and adjacent tc thc> land described as 'arcel <br />1 in said deed; thence South 42°391 East along said line <br />parallel with said southwesterly line of said Lot 9 ana <br />with the southeasterly prolongation thereof, 50.34 feet <br />to a point in the southeasterly line of a 15-foot wide <br />strip of land described thirdly in said deed dated June <br />161 1947 and lying Southeasterly of and adjacent to <br />the land described as Parcel 1 in said deed. <br />The side lines of said 10-foot wide strip of land <br />terminate in the said northwesterly and southeasterly <br />lines of the above mentioned 15-foot wide strips of land. <br />jaid 10-foot wide strip of land contains an area of <br />0.011 of an acre, more or less. <br />The location of the above described strip of land is shown tinted <br />yellow on the attached print of �vestern Division Drawing 5-1902, Sheet <br />No. 1, dated August 18, 1953- <br />-1- <br />