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Order No.: F-903401 Policy No. 7P-1597-255551 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />The land referred to in this report is situated in the State of <br />California, County of Alameda and is described as follows: <br />That parcel of land in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State <br />of California, described as follows: <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO DREDGE DISPOSAL SITE: <br />Being a portion of that certain Parcel of land described as Parcel Two <br />in the Grant Deed to Santa Clara Land Title Company, a California <br />Corporation, recorded January 4, 1990, instrument Number 90-003455, <br />Alameda County Records, further described as follows: <br />Being also a portion of that certain Parcel of Land shown on record of <br />survey, Pages 85 through 89, Alameda County Records, further described <br />as follows: <br />Commencing at the Northwesterly corner of said Parcel Two (90-003455), <br />said corner being also the Northwesterly corner of said Record of Survey <br />No. 476; thence along the general Westerly line of said Parcel Two South <br />1 degree 04' 38" West, 243.60 feet to an angle point therein, said point <br />being a point on the Southerly line of that certain parcel of land <br />described as Channel Easement in the Grant of Easement to the Alameda <br />County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, recorded July 17, <br />1958, in Book 8726, Page 543, Official Records of Alameda County, said <br />point being the actual point of beginning of this description; thence <br />leaving said general Westerly line, along said Southerly line, South 89 <br />degrees 05' 06" East, 3063.53 feet; thence leaving said Southerly line, <br />South 0 degrees 54' 54" West, 1919.12 feet more or less to a line which <br />is parallel with last said Southerly line, and passes through a point <br />which bears North 0 degrees 54' 54" East, 30.00 feet from the center <br />point of that certain course designated as having a radius of 30.000, a <br />central angle of 90 degrees 00' 0011, and an arc length of 47.124 feet in <br />Exhibit "A" of the Corporation Grant Deed to the State of California, <br />State Lands Commission, recorded March 29, 1990, instrument Number <br />90-084393, Alameda County Records; thence along said parallel line, <br />North 89 degrees 05' 06" West, 1356.66 feet more or less to a point in <br />the aforementioned general Westerly line of Parcel Two (90-003455, said <br />line being also the general Westerly boundary line of said Record of <br />Survey No. 476; thence along said general Westerly line, the following 3 <br />courses; 1) North 64 degrees 35' 06" West, 132.01 feet; 2) North 40 <br />degrees 35' 06" West, 1960.00; and 3) North 35 degrees 05' 06" West, <br />490.00 feet to the actual point of beginning. <br />The bearing for the purpose of this description are based on Record of <br />Survey No. 476, (8 R/S 85). <br />Assessor's Parcel No. 08OG-0910-001-08 portion <br />Page 3 <br />