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ia e <br />• �(i!�K�Jt)J f'.AGE5� <br />DEED <br />also kmoim as William G. Lincoln <br />W. G. Lincoln/and Aileen Mae Lincoln, his wife, hereby grant to <br />the City of San Leandro, a municipal corporation, all that land situ- <br />ated in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, <br />described as follows: �•' <br />in Block "D" , IJ <br />Lot 4, and a portion of Lot 5,/Tract 881, as per map of said , <br />tract filed March 9, 1949, in Book 30 of Maps, page 10, Re- <br />cords of Alameda County, California, the said portion of Lot <br />5 being more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the southwest line of said Lot 5 and <br />20 feet from the most westerly corner of said Lot; thence <br />northerly along a curve convex to the northeast with a radius <br />of 20 feet for 31.42 feet to a point of cusp on the northwest <br />line of said Lot; thence southwesterly along the last men- <br />tioned line to the said most westerly corner of said Lot; <br />thence southeasterly along the said southwestern line of Lot <br />5 to the point of beginning. <br />Dated: April 30 , 1957. <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) <br />ss. <br />COUNTY OF ALAMEDA ) <br />On ��Rlti.. , 1957, before me, ,o}1►J=�tAO���.�-�_ <br />a Notary Public in and for the County of Alameda, State of California, <br />personally appeared W. G. Lincoln and Aileen Mae Lincoln, his wife, <br />known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within <br />instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same. <br />4 8 9- 6 8) <br />RECORDED at REQUEST OF�a Pu is and for the Co ty <br />,. J,r `.: co,tr:'y of da, State of Californi <br />tuyi u,y Iti.e ,is. Co. <br />12:30 P_ <br />....t_..__..........-M. <br />MAY 15 1957 <br />OFFIAL RECORDS OF <br />ALAMEDA COty <br />uNTy, CALIFORNIA <br />GOUNT_Y. U RECORDER <br />RECORDED Al REQUEST -OF COURTY-EAST BAY TITLE INS. 00, <br />At <br />��nlINTY I 11IF. <br />a JSj�, �3-2 / <br />D P , 61JUK80 �1Gr,W <br />