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PORTION of the 114235 a-zo, tract of land described in the deed by Marmel. <br />Bo' a and Armie E. Bolina to Frank Byrnes acid James Byrnes dated June: <br />03, recorded June 30, 1893 in book 510 of Deeds., at page 409,9 <br />�,ounty Records, described as follows: <br />a• a point on the southwestern line of Park Street, distant <br />310 02e east 201,84 feet from the southeastern line of <br />'bed in the deed by William Byrnes to T, R. Bill, eta a1oj <br />re-oorded July 7, 1936 in book 3372 of said official <br />and n-nning thence along said Lne of Park Street <br />1!;�5 feet; thence south 6L° 301 gnat 193 feet, more or <br />•1,ern line of New San Leandro Boulevard, as des. <br />'morose McSweeney and Mary McSweeney to City of <br />Zl, 1941, recorded August 15, 1941 in book 4v.0 <br />vt page 163; thence along the last named line <br />the right with a radius of 960 feeta <br />less, to a line drawn south 590 Ott west <br />,t of beginning; thence along the line <br />feet to the actual point of begirningg <br />