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O P T I O N <br />In consideration of - TEN MD N01100 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ($10e00 <br />DOLLARS, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, I hereby give to <br />The CITY OF SAN LEANDRO,_a m�inicipal corporation <br />-------------- ---- -- ----------------- <br />hereinafter referred to as Optionee, the option of buying, for the full price of <br />SIXTY THOUSAND AND NO/100 _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ` _($60,e<)O* O _ _ -) DOLLARS, the <br />following described re<l property situated in the City of _ Ssr_ Leandro] <br />County of - Almeda _ - - State of California, and more particularly described <br />as folloevs, to - - - - <br />--------------- <br />State of California) Se <br />County of Alameda ) <br />On this day of _ __19�, before men the undersigned <br />Notary �'ublic,_persona�ly ea appred - <br />known to me to be the person described in and whose name <br />subscribed to and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged_ to me that <br />executed the same. <br />Notary rublic in and for said County and <br />State <br />Icy Commission Expires: <br />