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Portion of the 11.135 acre tract of land described in the <br />deed by Kanuel Bolina and Annie E. Bolina to Funk Byrnes <br />and James Byrnes dated June 30, 1893, recorded June 30, <br />1893 in book 510 of Deeds at page 409, Alameda County <br />Records, described as follows; <br />Beginning at a point on the southwestern line of Park <br />Street, formerly Old San Leandro Boulevard, as described <br />in the deed by Mary McSweeney and William P. Byrnes to <br />City of San Leandro, dated July 14, 1931, recorded October <br />29, 1931 in book 2672 of Offici�:l Records of Alameda County <br />at page 41.9, distant thereon south 310 021 east 63.84 feet <br />from the southeastern line of the land described in the <br />deed by William Byrnes to T. R. Bill, et al, dated July 1, <br />1.936, recorded July 7, 1936 in book 3372 of said Official <br />Records at page 5; and running thence along said line of <br />Park Street south 310 021 east 138 feet; thence south 590 <br />041 west 282.L8 feet to the northeastern_ of New San <br />Leandro Boulevard, as described in the deed by Ambrose <br />VcSweeney and Mary McSweeney to City of San Leandro, dated <br />July 31, 1941, recorded August 15, 1941 in book 4110 of <br />said Official Records at page 163; thence along the last <br />named line northwesterly on a curve to the right with a <br />radius of 960 feet a distance of 146.90 feet, more or less, <br />to a line drawn south 590 04, west from the point of <br />beginning; thence north 590 04, east 332095 feet to the <br />point of beginning. <br />