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74 <br />DEED OF DEDICATION OF RIGHT OF WAY <br />THIS DEED OF DEDICATION, made this r day of November, <br />1956, between the SAN LEANDRO UNIFIED SCF=ISTRICT OF ALAMEDA <br />COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, a public corporation, grantor, and <br />the CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal corporation of the State of <br />California, grantee, <br />W I T N E S S E T H: <br />That for and in consideration of the benefits to accrue <br />to the grantor from the construction and maintenance of a public <br />street by grantee upon, along and across the real property <br />hereinafter described, grantor hereby dedicates to the grantee <br />a right of way for the purpose of constructing and maintaining <br />a public street upon, along and across the following described <br />real property: <br />All that certain real property situated in the <br />City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of <br />California, to wit: <br />Parcel 1: Beginning at the intersection of <br />the southeastern line of First Avenue, formerly <br />West Avenue 132 with the northeastern line of the <br />4.05 foot strip of land described in the deed by <br />Kaiser Community Homes to John Deere Plow Co., <br />dated August 14, 1950, recorded October 19, <br />1950 in Book 6259 of Official Records of Alameda <br />County, page 113 (AE/94252); and running thence <br />along said line of First Avenue north 610 48► <br />44" east 3 feet; thence along the southwestern <br />line of Teagarden Street 57 feet wide, south <br />280 131 56" east 7"56.43 feet; thence south <br />610 481 44'► west 3 feet to said line of the ;cde <br />4.05 foot strip of land thence along the last <br />mentioned line north 28 13► 56 west 756.43 <br />feet to the point of beginning. <br />Parcel 2: Beginning at a point on the north- <br />eastern line of the 4.05 foot strip of land <br />described in the deed by Kaiscr Community <br />Homes to John Deere Plow Co., dated August 14, <br />1950 recorded October 19, 1950 in Book 6259 <br />of Official Records of Alameda Count, page 113 <br />(AE/94252), distant thereon south 28 131 56" <br />east 756.43 feet from the southeastern line of <br />First Avenue, formerly West Avenue 132• and <br />running thence along said line of the 4.05 foot <br />strip of land, south 280 131 56" east 522.40 <br />feet; thence north 610 481 44" east 3 feet to <br />the direct production southeasterly of the south- <br />western line of Teagarden Street 57 feet wide; <br />thence along said produced line, and said <br />southwestern line north 280 131 56" west 522.40 <br />feet; thence south 610 48► 44" west 3 feet to <br />the point of beginning. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above mentioned and described right <br />of way unto the said Grantee forever, for the sole objects <br />11 <br />30 Y <br />