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INTERBAY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Inc., a California corporation, and <br />PAULINE F. GRUENBERG <br />(6rant to CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, COUNTY OF ALAMEDA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />the real property situated in the City of San Leandro County <br />of Alameda , State of California, described as follows: <br />COMMENCING at a point on the southeastern line of First Avenue, formerly <br />West Avenue 132, distant thereon north 610 48, 44" east 3.00 feet from <br />the northeastern line of the strip of land 4.05 feet wide, described in the <br />Deed by Kaiser Community Homes to John Deere Plow Co. of Moline, dated <br />August 14, 1950, recorded October 19, 1950, in Book 6259 of Official Records <br />of Alameda County, at page 113 (AE/94252); running thence south 280 13' 56" <br />east 986.43 feet to the actual point of beginning for this description; <br />continuing thence south 280 13' 56" east 292.40 feet; thence north 610 48, 44" <br />east 599.02 feet to the southwestern line of the 20 foot strip of land <br />secondly described in the Deed by Oakland Title Insurance and Guaranty Company, <br />to Central Pacific Railway Company, dated June 16, 1947, recorded June 17, 1947, <br />in Book 5160 of Official Records of Alameda County, at page 235 (AB/51686); <br />thence northwesterly along the arc of a circle concave to the right with a <br />radius of 311.90 feet (the center of which bears north 480 53' 03" east <br />311.90 feet) an are distance of 60.59 feet, thru a central angle of 110 07' 52"; <br />thence south 61° 48, 44" west 514.34 feet; thence tangent and along the arc <br />of a circle concave to the right with a radius of 20 feet, an arc distance <br />of 31.40 feet; thence tangent to the last named circle north 280 13' 56" <br />west 212.42 feet; thence south 610 48, 44" west 57.00 feet to the point of <br />beginning. <br />Dated: August 22, 1955 <br />STATE OF C.ALiFORNIA <br />City and COUNTY OF ss. <br />San Franc. -co <br />On Au g»c t-95 1 q5 5 <br />before me, Robert Shirroff a Notary <br />Public in and for said --Vitt'- and County and <br />State, personally appeared Paul i n e Gruenberg <br />known to me to be the person whose name —_subscribed to the <br />within instrument and, acknowledge that %he <br />executed the same. <br />(SEAL)-`�. `� vY1� <br />y ublic <br />My Commission Expires: March 27, 1957 <br />INTERBAY DE CO r;lo . <br />`'' I�� ,n <br />Milto . Mack, President <br />B <br />Max F. Grue erg, <br />crptan <br />PAULINE F. GRUENBERG <br />RECORDING DATA <br />AK978 I `.) <br />I'ECORDED at REQUEST OF <br />------- OF SC tEahU��---- <br />A Nliy. P-�t2--- <br />ET 12 1955 ,-2233 <br />n77 PALL. <br />OFFICIAL RECORES OF <br />ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA <br />FORM i-A—e-53-20M CALIFORNIA PACIFIC TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY <br />