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BooK7777 <br />AK 978 ! `) <br />IN ThE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLI rt2 CN Y", 2747 � M ,S <br />RESOLUTION ACCEPTING CONVEYUJCE OF LAND <br />(Interbay Development Company and Pa -cline F, Gruenberg) <br />Whereas, there has been presented to this Council a certain <br />Deed dated August 22, 1955, to a parcel of land more fully des- <br />cribed in the said Deed to the same exec-ated by Inter•bay Development <br />Corripany, Inc., a California Corporation and Pauline F, Gruenberg, to <br />the City of San Leandro and which conveys to said City of San Leandro <br />sai' d parcel of land. <br />Now, therefore, the: City Council of the City of San Leandro does <br />RESOLVE as follows_ <br />That said Deed and the land therein described be and the same <br />hereby is accepted by said City of San Leandro. <br />Introd"oced by Councilman } x.ic: and passed and <br />adopted this 6t.h day of September, 1955, by the following called vote, <br />Ayes, Councilmen; l�s �, Kant, Lacks "Ji-I 'ts <br />'y 3aws, T"uru%Lzan ( 7 ) <br />Voes� Councilmen. X= <br />Absent-. Councilmen-, gow <br />( 0) <br />( 0) <br />t <br />4Myy"orof U Vity o an Lead <br />Attests , <br />Uldi-Y 2:. Ks:i , 1, `::k*.tat� i " C 1 e, <br />1, the m0ar-Afmod, lh t�y IL WjWs D4WWW CIV t <br />of the flity of ;;an Leo hd9jjV " 00 lha�;; <br />to be a full, true aad aorruct oW of jeft2ution fte '2h� <br />t.. adapted at a rneYW of ari,' Uty Councl on c,eVt�! �j i <br />At an I+eawlro, C.a13.for7dA. ,mac, <br />