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To T"r. Carden <br />CC: ?:!'cClure, Burbank <br />M,: Agenda for Council Meeting of April 18, 1955 <br />DA April 12, 1955 <br />The following items are those which this department requests and/or recommends be on <br />the agenda for the above -mentioned Council meeting: <br />1. Acceptance of the Deed from :'+ells. Attached is a signed deed from 1�1r. and lies. <br />'fells regarding; a portion of Wayne Avenue adjacent to First Avenue. The area in question is <br />indicated on the attached print. This area will complete the right-of-way of ',Wayne Avenue <br />from the residential development to First Avenue. <br />2. Execution of the Third Supplement, Memorandum of Agreement. Attached are the <br />two copies of the Memorandum of Pgreement which have to be executed, as well as a suggested <br />form for the resolution width was prepared by the State for this purpose. <br />rThis <br />3. Cit Hall Parkin Lot. Attached lease find Pa e for this ro 'ec wig'San Leandro <br />d °Improvement of the Parking Lot outh of the/City Hall, Project No. WiQ-221oject should be advertised on April 18th and bids received on May 6, 1955 with the <br />SIGNED (cont. <br />PLEASE REPLY HERE <br />DAT <br />SIGNED <br />