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Reso 1998-056
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 1998-056
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9/7/2022 3:49:04 PM
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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higher than the rail elevation as it now exists. The City shall provide Railroad, at no cost, survey <br />control elevation for establishing the most appropriate elevation. <br />4. Prior to commencing the work, Railroad shall apply for and be issued an <br />Encroachment Permit by City. City shall waive all processing and inspection fees associated with <br />the issuance of said Permit. Prior to Permit issuance Railroad shall submit a construction schedule <br />for approval by City. <br />5. Railroad shall provide City a minimum of seven (7) calendar day notice of the <br />commencement of work. Closure of more than one street at a time will not be permitted unless <br />specifically approved in writing by City. City shall provide all traffic control measures related to <br />the construction consistent with Exhibit "A" and the Railroad's schedule. <br />Railroad shall coordinate the construction activities of the related agreements listed below so that <br />only a single roadway closure is required <br />Crossing Number <br />17.04 <br />6. Upon satisfactory completion of the work, the City shall reimburse Railroad for the <br />following items of work 1) the actual purchase price of precast concrete crossing materials <br />including appropriate taxes; 2) cost of labor and materials for modification of the City roadway <br />including removal and replacement and/or modification of asphalt concrete roadway and base <br />materials, concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk, adjustment of manhole rims, and other associated <br />items of work as identified in "Exhibit A". <br />The City reserves the right to review and approve Railroad's bidding documents and procedure, <br />bids received, work orders, contract documents, contractor's license and materials associated <br />with work to be reimbursed by City prior to commencing bidding process or commencement of <br />work. Railroad shall not proceed with work until approved in writing by City. <br />7. For purposes of this agreement, the estimated costs to be reimbursed by City is <br />FORTY THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED FIFTEEN AND NO/100, $40,115.00.) Railroad <br />shall not exceed said estimated cost without written approval by City. The City reserves the right <br />to review all material submittals, invoices, daily reports, or other information pertaining the work <br />reimbursed by City. City shall reimburse Railroad for actual costs of work identified in Paragraph <br />6 within thirty (30) days of receipt of invoices and associated back-up materials. <br />8. Time is of the essence for completion of the work. Railroad shall complete all <br />work within 60 calendar days of execution of this agreement. <br />It is the Railroad's intent and the City's desire to retire said crossing by removing rails, ties, and <br />ballast, and replacing removed track with standard asphalt pavement, curb, and sidewalk. If said <br />Railroad Crossing Agreement Page 2 <br />May 4, 1998 <br />
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