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17j <br />Schedule C (Continued) <br />REAL PROPERTY in the Cite of San Leandro, County <br />of Alameda, State of California, described as follows: <br />PARCEL 1: Lot 71, as said lot is shorn on the map <br />entiLTe- , "Tract 659", filed April 23, 1943, in book 8 of <br />Maps, pages 54 and 5S, in the office of the County Recorder <br />of Alameda County. <br />EXCEPTING therefrom that portion of land <br />conveyed by Frank C. "Morgan and Kay C. Morgan, his wife to <br />City of San Leandro, a municipal corporation, dated October <br />30, 19S2, recorded February 13, 19S3, in book (1947 O.R., Page <br />237. <br />PARCEL 2: A PORTION of lot 71, as said lot is shown <br />on the map entitled, "Tract 659", filed April 23, 1943, in book <br />8 of naps, pages S4 and 55, in the office of the County Recorder <br />of Alameda County, described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at the point of intersection <br />of the southeastern line of Davis Street with the northeastern <br />line of Lot 71, Tract 6S9 as said street and lot are shown on <br />that certain map entitled "Tract 6S9, Alameda County, <br />California," filed April 23, 19430 in book 8 of 'daps, <br />pages 54 and SS, Alameda County Records; thence alonf; the <br />last named line south SS' 08' 41" east 120.51 feet; thence <br />southwesterly from a tangent point bearing south 34° 51' 19" <br />west along the arc of a curve to the left havinj� a radius of <br />50 feet, through a central angle of 3° 26' 23", a distance of <br />3.00 feet; thence leaving said curve north 5S° 08' 41" west <br />122.92 feet; thence north 720 30' 30" east 3.79 feet to the <br />point of beginning. <br />