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LEASE <br />THIS INDENTURE, ma de this first day of September, 1952, be— <br />tween John P. O'Shea, hereinafter called Lessor, and the City of San <br />Leandro, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter called Lessee <br />"VITNESSETH: <br />That the said Lessor doth demise unto the said Lessee, its suc— <br />cessors and assigns, all that certain building and appurtenances des— <br />ignated as number 1411 Davis Street, in the City of San Leandro, Alameda <br />County, California, from the first day of September, 1952, for the term <br />of one year and thereafter until terminated as hereinafter provided, <br />yielding therefor, during the first year of said term the sum of $10.00 <br />per month and $25.00 per month thereafter, said rent to be paid monthly <br />in advance on the first day of each and every month during said term. <br />After the first year of said term this lease ray be terminated by <br />either party upon written notice delivered to the other not ]ass than <br />ninety days immediately preceding the date of such termination. <br />The said Lessor covenants for the Lessee's quiet enjoyment of its <br />term. <br />The said Lessee covenants to pay the rent; that it will not assign <br />;vi.thout leave; that it will leave the premises in good repair; and that <br />the Lessor may re—enter for default in the payment of rent, or for the <br />breach of covenants. <br />IN 1!!ITNFSS ""EEREOF said parties have executed, or caused to be <br />executed, this Indenture the day and year hereinabove first written. <br />LESSOR <br />O <br />CITY OF S LEA1MR0 <br />By <br />Mayor <br />Attest: <br />City Cleik <br />