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D EASEMENT POLICIES No. 4000 AND 40, <br />IATION STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY FORM - COPYRIGHT 1961 <br />SCHEDULE A —Continued <br />3. The land referred to in this policy is situated in the State of California, County of _ Alameda <br />City of San Leandro , and is described as follows: <br />A PORTION of Parcel 1 as described in the Order and Decree, of <br />Settlement of Report and Petition for Distribution and of Waiver of <br />Account and of Final Distribution in the Matter of the Estate of <br />Maria G. Silva, etc., recorded December 23, 1948, in Book 5687, page <br />215, Official Records of Alameda County, being also a portion of the <br />parcel of land described in the Deed from Mary J. Bottaro to John J. <br />Silva, recorded December 15, 1949, in Book 5963, page 253, Official <br />Records of Alameda County, described as follows: <br />BEGINNING ON The northern line of Washington Avenue, 60 feet wide, <br />at the most western corner of said Bottaro parcel, said most western <br />corner being north 28° 00, west 1005.29 feet, more or less, from the <br />centerline of 143rd Avenue; thence along the northwestern line of <br />said Bottaro Parcel, north 42° 00' east 12.77 feet to its intersection <br />with a line parallel with the said northeastern line of Washington <br />Avenue and 12.00 feet, measured at right angles, northeasterly there- <br />from; thence along said parallel line, south 280 00' east 60.00 feet <br />to a tangent curve concave to the northeast, having a radius of 32.00 <br />feet and a central angle of 900; thence along said curve, southeasterly, <br />easterly and northeasterly 50.27 feet to a compound curve concave to <br />the northwest, having a radius of 220.00 feet and a central angle of <br />200; thence along said compound curve northeasterly 76.79 feet to a <br />compound curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 570.00 feet <br />and a central angle of 180 571 28"; thence along the last mentioned <br />compound curve, northeasterly 188.60 feet to its intersection with the <br />northeastern line of said Parcel 1, said northeastern line being the <br />southwestern line of the strip of land, 80 feet wide described in the <br />Deed by Jose Maria Da Silva and Maria Da Silva, his wife, to Western <br />Pacific Railway, dated April 30, 1906, in Book 1170 of Deeds, page 90 <br />Alameda County Records; thence along the said northeastern line of <br />south 49° 30' east 90.95 feet to a southeastern line of said Parcel 1; <br />thence along said southeastern line of Parcel 1, south 420 west 163.30 <br />feet to a southwestern line of said Parcel 1; thence along said south- <br />western line of Parcel 1, north 480 west, 60.00 feet to a southeastern <br />line of said Parcel 1, south 420 west, 151.16 feet, more or less, to <br />its intersection with the said northeastern line of Washington Avenue; <br />thence along the said northeastern line of Washington Avenue, north <br />280 west 118.35 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. <br />