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09 <br />_MAID TC11 <br />CITY OF SAN LLEANDRO <br />F. W. VALLEY and GLADYS VALLEY, his wife, the first parties, <br />AX 1 19303 <br />GRANT OF EASEMENT <br />RE:1584 IM:819 <br />E73 <br />3 <br />do hereby GRANT to the CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal cor- <br />poration, the second party, an easement for the installation, <br />operation and maintenance of public utilities, in, under, <br />over, along and across the parcels of land located in the City <br />of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, de- <br />scribed as follows: <br />PARCEL 1: PORTION of the 66.20 acre tract of land <br />described as Parcel 4 in the deed by Mary <br />Stenzel, et al, to F. Stenzel Farms, Inc., dated April 22, <br />1926, recorded May 13, 1 926 in book 1250 of Official Records <br />of Alameda County, page �t61, (W/42107) described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at a point on the southwestern <br />line of Alvarado Street, as said line of Alvarado Street was <br />established on June 6, 1955, under Recorder's Series No. <br />AK/60166, Alameda County Records, distant thereon south 270 <br />461 30" east 30.06 feet from the northwestern line of said <br />66.20 acre tract of land; running thence alon said line of <br />Alvarado Street, south 27° 461 30" east said feet; thence <br />parallel with the northwestern line of s 66 0 , <br />south 62' 20, 44" west 5 feet; thence parallel with said line <br />of Alvarado Street, north 27" 461 30" west 297 feet, more or <br />less, to the southwestern line of the parcel of land described <br />in the deed by F. W. Valley and Gladys Valley to City of San <br />Leandro, dated June 16, 1958, recorded June 18, 1958 in book <br />8700 of Official Records of Alameda County, page 63, (AP/59613); <br />thence along the last named line, southeasterly 17 feet, more <br />or less, to the point of beginning. <br />PARCEL 2: PORTION of the 66.20 acre tract of land <br />described as Parcel 4 in the deed by Mary <br />Stenzel, et al, to F. Stenzel Farms, Inc., dated April 22, <br />1926, recorded May 13, 1 26 in book 1250 of Official Records <br />of Alameda County, page 1, (W/42107) described as follows: <br />(over) <br />