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A 1101305 <br />P, F : 640 ke 825 <br />GRANT OF EASEMENT <br />TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, a corpor- <br />ation, successor by merger with California Pacific Title <br />Insurance Company, a corporation, the first party, does <br />hereby GRANT to CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal corporation, <br />the second party, an easement for roadway, storm and sanitary <br />sewers, and all public utility purposes, together with the <br />W <br />right to dedicate said easement to the public for the pur- <br />poses above mentioned, in, under, over, along and across the <br />W N <br />Q <br />parcel of land located in the City of San Leandro Count of <br />p Y Y <br />c2 <br />Alameda, State of California, described as follows: <br />- J <br />BEGINNING at the intersection of the north- <br />eastern line of Rose Drive with the southeastern line of <br />block 2, as said drive and block are shown on the map of <br />cd <br />"Tract 900" etc., filed December 1, 1948 in book 29 of Maps, <br />N <br />pages 72 and 73, in the office of the County Recorder of <br />�w=g) :m <br />Alameda County; running thence along the direct extension <br />a U) <br />southwesterly of said southeastern line of said block 2, <br />a a <br />south 43° 171 10" west 180 feet; thence south 46° 35, 45" <br />n z E <br />east 0.95 of a foot; thence south 430 14► 20" west 501.18 <br />aQ <br />feet; thence tangent with the last mentioned course south- <br />o ? -9 <br />westerly on a curve to the right with a radius of 20 feet, <br />W <br />a distance of 20.94 feet; thence on a reverse curve to the <br />left, with a radius of 40 feet, a distance of 104.72 feet; <br />-� <br />thence tangent with the last mentioned curve south 460 451 <br />40" east 20 feet; thence tangent with the last mentioned <br />course southeasterly on a curve to the left with a radius <br />Q <br />of 20 feet, a distance of 31.42 feet to a point on the <br />southeastern line of the parcel of land conveyed in the deed <br />�7 <br />by Pacific Gas and Electric Company to California Pacific <br />10 <br />Title Insurance Company, dated December 13, 1960 recorded <br />M <br />January 4, 1961 on Reel 238, Image 281, (AS/1006� Alameda <br />O <br />County Records; thence along the last mentioned line and <br />along the southeastern line of the 0.307 acre parcel of <br />land conveyed by Pacific Gas and Electric Company to Title <br />Insurance and Trust Company, dated April 11, 1962, recorded <br />June 20, 1962 on Reel 612, Ima§e 573, (AT/83236) Alameda <br />County Records, north 43014120 east 753 feet to the direct <br />extension southeasterly of said northeastern line of Rose Drive;thence <br />(over) <br />