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Schedule C - (continued) <br />REAL PROPERTY in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, described as follows: <br />A PORTION of Lot 12 as shown on the "Map of the L. Knox <br />Tract, a part of San Leandro Rancho", filed April 11, 1893, in <br />book 14 of Maps, page 10, in the office of the County Recorder of <br />Alameda County, described as follows: <br />COMMENCING at a point in the centerline of 143rd Avenue, 50 <br />feet wide, as said street existed on May 15, 1363, distant south <br />420 west along said centerline 2,232.25 feet from the western line <br />of the County Road leading from San Leandro to Hayward, said point <br />of commencement being the northwesterly corner of said Lot 12 as <br />shown on the map of the L. Knox Tract; thence along the south- <br />western line of said Lot 12, south 480 east 25 feet to the actual <br />point of beginning, said actual point of beginning being on the <br />southeastern line of the aforesaid 143rd Avenue; thence continuing <br />along the said southwestern line of Lot 12, south 480 east 5.00 <br />feet; thence north 420 east 215 feet, more or less, along a line <br />parallel to and 30.00 feet southeasterly, measured at right angles, <br />from the said centerline of 143rd Avenue to a point which is distant <br />40 feet, measured at right angles, southwesterly from the centerline <br />of the Western Pacific Railway right-of-way, as now located across <br />said Lot 12; thence north 49° 07' west 5.00 feet, parallel to and at <br />a uniform distance of 40 feet southwesterly from the last mentioned <br />centerline of the said Western Pacific Railway right-of-way to a <br />point which is distant 25 feet, measured at right angles, southeasterly <br />from the centerline of the aforementioned 143rd Avenue; thence south <br />420 west 215 feet, more or less, along the aforesaid southeastern line <br />of 143rd Avenue to the actual point of beginning. <br />