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3 <br />AQ983Q6 <br />GRANT OF EASFJV(ENT q Z 7 <br />OTIS H. WEBB and E.STELLE L. WEBB, his wife, in consideratio..^. of the sum <br />of One Dollar ($1.00), receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby <br />grant to the CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called <br />"City", and its successors and assigns, an easement for the purpose and <br />(D <br />0 upon the conditions hereinafter set forth upon and along that certain strip <br />c of real property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of <br />CF California, described as follows: <br />Iq <br />�- A strip of land 10 feet wide across the below -described parcel, lying <br />o: <br />O C" <br />c.� <br />00 5 feet to each side of the below -described centerline or projection <br />C <br />Q 4J <br />thereof: <br />w <br />07) Beginning at a point on the westerly line of that certain <br />F' CQ parcel of land in the Rancho San Leandro, City of San Leandro, Alameda <br />!¢ rn County, California granted to Otis H. and Estelle L. Webb by deed <br />a CD in Book 3964, Page 356, Official Records of Alameda County, <br />w G_ ° o innin <br />2 co on November 1, 1940; said point of be-g being g 142.22 <br />c'3 feet northerly from the southwest corner of said parcel, measured <br />2 d z along the westerly line thereof; thence from said point of beginning <br />cr o north 320 44. 52" east 81.22 feet, more or less, to a point on the <br />easterly line of said parcel which is 162.08 feet northerly from the <br />" southeast corner of said parcel, measured along the easterly line <br />thereof. <br />F 1 C <br />u <br />'e said easement is and shall be subject to each and all of the following <br />< "` provisions, conditions, and covenants to which the parties hereto mutually <br />Q � u <br />x agree: <br />Said easement shall be used for the construction and maintenance of sanitary <br />sewers. Work to be performed by the City shall be done in such a manner <br />that possible damage to existing structures, paving or plants shall be ,;I <br />minimized. The foregoing improvements shall not be removed if possible <br />to avoid the same. Damage, if any, to said improvements, shall be repaired :4 � <br />1x <br />or the same replaced by the City to the same condition such improvements <br />were in at the date of acquisition of the properties. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantors have executed this agreement this <br />day of , 1959. <br />This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by thy,-de8d or <br />grant dated May 27, 1959, from Otis H. Webb and Estelle L. Webb to4be' City. of <br />San Leandro, a political corporation, is hereby accepted by ordee 0f ,t4L Sur <br />Council of the City of San Leandro on December 16, 7, the.�gr eE consents <br />to recordation thereof by its duly aathori <br />Dated: August !t, 1959 <br />H. rbank, City Clerk <br />