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AT4 4 1 50 GRANT OF EASEMENT <br />RE: 551 R 875 <br />TROJAN POW -DER COMPANY, a New York corporation, the first party does hereby GRANT <br />to CITY OF SAN LEAiNIDRO, a municipal corporation, an easement for roadway, storm <br />drain, sanitary sewer, and all public utility purposes, in, under, over, along and <br />across the parcel of land situated in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at the intersection of the western line of lot 17, <br />with the northwestern line of Grant Avenue, as said lot and avenue are <br />shown on the map of "Lorenzo Garden Acres, Eden Township, Alameda Co., <br />Cal.", filed January 28, 1914 in book 28 of Maps, page 46, in the <br />office of the County Recorder of Alameda County; running thence along <br />said western line of said lot 17 north 80 Olt west 30.60 feet; thence <br />south 500 091 07" west 205.99 feet to the direct extension southwester— <br />ly of said northwestern line of Grant Avenue; thence along said extended <br />line north 570 57' east 191.62 feet to the point of beginning. <br />In the event of the actual discontinuance and cessation by Grantee, its <br />successors or assigns, of the use of said parcel of land for the said purposes for <br />which said easement is granted, the said grant hereby made, and all right, title <br />and interest of Grantee and of its successors or assigns in and to said parcel of <br />land and easement shall cease and terminate and revert to Grantor, or to its <br />successors or assigns, in the fee ownership of the said parcel of land. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF said first party has caused this instrument to be <br />executed and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto by its duly authorized officers <br />this 26th day of February, 1962, Seal <br />Aff'ixed <br />CORDED at REQUEST OF 11T4 A 150 <br />EiF eIY I FA_ R. DO <br />APR - 4 1962 <br />OFFICIAL RECORDS OF <br />ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORbaA <br />OOUNly REGDRl" <br />TROJAN POWDER COI�TANY <br />By: <br />By: / l r_- <br />President <br />/ / Secretary <br />