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BAD Q119.5 P/!,GFj� z n '• <br />PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, a California corporation, <br />hereinafter called Pacific, hereby quitclaims to the CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, <br />a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter called <br />City, that portion of the right of way and easement granted by YAnnie <br />M. Pelton and husband to Pacific by deed dated August 26, 1926, and <br />recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Alameda, <br />State of California, in Book 1380 of Official Records at page 203, <br />described as follows: <br />Beginning at the northeasterly terminus of the <br />course described in said deed as having a length <br />of 183.0 feet and running thence southerly along <br />said course 72 feet, more or less, to the south- <br />westerly boundary line of the parcel of land con- <br />veyed to City by deed dated July 30, 1958, and <br />recorded in the office of said County Recorder <br />in Volume 8752 of Official Records at page 41.7. <br />The portion of the right of way and easement hereby quitclaimed <br />is no longer necessary or useful to Pacific in the performance by it of <br />its duties to the public. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF Pacific has executed these presents this <br />-�-! �—�- day of 16Z t C ,y ��zJ , 1958. <br />a�a i <br />REC RDED at R QUEST Oc <br />--------- ------ - ------ <br />POCIFIGAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY <br />At --- ----. Min. Past- --- ---M. <br />FEB 6 1959 <br />on r <br />OFFICIAL RECORDS OF <br />ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA <br />COU\TY l7ECORL?FE; <br />92.4024 7.57 State of California, <br />C jf• <br />----.....-i-t Y-------& -----------county of <br />On this.1.711vay of_De.0.e.Mb_e.T n the year 19.. & before me, <br />Marie .... .--.--Stan-l.eya Notary Public in and for the said <br />.-Cd.ty... &ounty, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared <br />I ....... ...---MQU1-t Q-n....and----E •--..Manhaxd............ <br />known to me_to be the. Vice._._Fre-s. <br />and the Secret--t-Engineer <br />ary of the corporation that executed the <br />within and foregoing instrument, and to be the persons. who executed <br />the said instrument on behalf of said corporation therein named, and <br />acknowledged tome that such corporation executed the within instru- <br />ment pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its board of directors. <br />In Wit_gess Whereof, 1 have hereunto set mi hand and affixed my <br />official seal, in the-Ei.tY---8C... County of --.San --- Rrat ci s.aQ <br />the day and year in this certificate fii t bov r ten. <br />Notary Pu%iic <n aJ }or ibB__ �i �----....County� <br />of ... .._$an Francisco___, state ofCaaifol rnia <br />A4dso <br />Its So <br />President and Executi7fe Engineer <br />This is to certify that the interest <br />in real property conveyed by the deed <br />or grant dated December 16, 1958, from <br />Pacific Gas and Electric Company to the <br />City of San Leandro, a political corpora- <br />tion, is hereby accepted by order of the <br />City Council of the City of San Leandro L� <br />on December 16, 1957, and the grantee <br />consents to recordation thereof by its <br />duly authorized officer. <br />Dated: February 5' 19. <br />H. H. Burbank, City Clerk <br />