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<br />THIS INDENTURE, made and entered into this 3rd day of December,
<br />1958, by and between
<br />Y & R LEASING, INC., a California corporation, the Party of the
<br />First Part, and the
<br />CITY OF SAN LEAN DRO, a municipal corporation, situated in the
<br />County of Alameda, State of California, the Party of the Second
<br />Part,
<br />U,ITNESSETH: That the said party of the First Part, does hereby
<br />grant, transfer and alien unto the said party of the Second. Part
<br />for the purpose of a public street or highway,
<br />All that real property situated in the City of San Leandro, County of
<br />Alameda, State of California, described as follows:
<br />A portion of that certain parcel of land containing 10 acres,
<br />described in deed from Manuel Nunes to Robert Scott Holmes and
<br />J. A. Ragghianti dated August 13, 1951, recorded October 26,
<br />1951 under Recorder's Series No. AF/90641, in the office of the
<br />County Recorder of Alameda County in Book 6570 of Official Records,
<br />page 592, bounded as follows:
<br />Beginning at the point of intersection of the northeastern line
<br />of Alvarado Street, 50.00 feet wide, as described in Grant of
<br />Easement, from San Leandro Industrial Corporation, a corporation,
<br />to City of San Leandro, a municipal corporation, dated September 17,
<br />1951 and recorded October 2, 1951 under Recorder's Series No. AF/82938,
<br />in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County (said line of
<br />Alvarado Street being shown on the Tap entitled, "Tract 1125", filed
<br />October 3, 1951 in Rook 31 of Maps, page 69, in the office of the
<br />County Recorder of Alameda County) with the southeastern line of
<br />West Avenue 132, as said avenue is shown on Sheet No. 2 of that
<br />certain "Record of Survey, Oakland Title Insurance & Guaranty
<br />Company Property, Alameda County, California", filed June 3, 1947 in
<br />3oo'k 2 of Licensed Surveys, paves 28 and 29 and 30 in the office
<br />of the County Recorder of Alameda County; running thence along the
<br />said line of West Avenue 132, north 610 48' 44" east 10.00 feet
<br />to a point on the exterior boundary line of the said Oakland Title
<br />Insurance & Guaranty Company property, said point being the most
<br />western corner of that certain parcel of land designated as
<br />"Manuel Nunes", on Sheet No. 3 of said Record of Survey Piap; thence
<br />along the southwestern boundary line of the said 10 acre parcel of
<br />land south 280 06' 57" east 580.00 feet to The actual point of
<br />commencement; thence continuing along the said southwestern boundary
<br />line of the 10 acre parcel of land south 280 06' 57" east 120.00
<br />feet; thence north 610 LT 03" east 1.42 feet, more or less, to
<br />a point of the northeastern line of nlvarado Street, as established
<br />by instrument from San Leandro Industrial Corporation, a corporation,
<br />to City of San Leandro, a municipal corporation, dated July 27, 1954
<br />AQ 44619
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<br />At �_. Mon. Past _!_7,I�1.
<br />APR 17 1959
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