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RE:1319 V N, 56 <br />RECORDED at REQUEST OF !� / <br />' RECORDING REQUESTED BY Transamerica Title Ins. CO., r <br />Ay153041 At 9:30 A.M. <br />WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO <br />E . Riorda(I <br />t <br />o.5D Last 14tn Street <br />San Leandro, California 1 i <br />S Et 2 31964 <br />OFFICIAL' RECORDS: OF <br />RUMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA <br />,SACK G. BLUE - <br />COUNTY RECORDE2 <br />3z A%_r. Anuyr_ irii3 LliNt rVK KLI.VKL)tKJ UJr <br />IN <br />GRANT DEED <br />r � (Escrow No.-3.4.65-39 -..AB.) <br />• <br />A ri1...12th 1964) for a valuable consideration, <br />By this instrument dated..................P ........-----�.............. <br />II <br />I 'Y <br />PETERSON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., a corporation, <br />• hereby GRANTS to <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a Municipal Corporation, <br />The following described Real Property in the State of California, County of—A1.ameda. ......................................................... <br />City of --- Lea.ndrD.s....a14? <br />BEGINNING on the southeastern line of First Avenue, at the most <br />western corner of the parcel of land described in the Deed from <br />Peterson Tractor Co., a corporation, to the City of San Leandro, <br />a municipal corporation, dated November 10, 1958, and recorded <br />November 12, 1958, in Book 8843, page 93, Official Records of <br />Alameda County; thence along the said southeastern line of First <br />Avenue south 61° 48' 44" west 12.00 feet to a point of cusp with <br />a tangent curve concave to the southwest, having a radius of 40 <br />feet and a central angle of 89° 57' 20"; thence along said curve <br />northeasterly, easterly and southeasterly 62.80 feet to a tangent <br />line; thence along said tangent line south 28° 13' 56" east 110.00 <br />feet to a tangent curve concave to the northeast, having a radius <br />of 450.00 feet and a central angle of 9° 22' 01"; thence along the <br />last mentioned curve southeasterly 73.57 feet to a reverse curve <br />concave to the southwest, having a radius of 450.00 feet and a <br />central angle of 9° 22' 01"; thence along said reverse curve south- <br />easterly 73.57 feet to a point of cusp with a tangent line, said <br />tangent line being the southwestern line of Alvarado Street; thence <br />along the said southwestern line of Alvarado Street north 28° 13' <br />56" west 296.44 feet to a tangent curve, concave to the southwest <br />having a radius of 40 feet and a central angle of 89° 57' 20", said <br />point of curve being the southeasterncorner of the aforementioned <br />parcel of land conveyed by Peterson Tractor Co, to the City of <br />San Leandro; thence along said curve (being also the southwestern <br />line of the said parcel of land conveyed by Peterson Tractor Co, to <br />the City of San Leandro) northwesterly, westerly and southwesterly <br />62.80 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. <br />---- ------------------------------------------•...----•----------•-•---•---------••------------------------•---------•--------- <br />Affix IRS PETERSON,. T CTOR & E UIP T Co., a corp. <br />BY-----------------............ <br />.....----••----•......................................••------------........... ------•_------- --------•------•-----------•---- <br />STATE OF '1A i ORNIA — cis re rdersigc-d, a Notary Public in and foi said County <br />nd State, personally appeared ...................... ....-.....----------------..............------------......--•---................................. <br />COUNTY OF.. -------- ----------- ----- ------ - -- - known to me to be the <br />person........ whose name ....................... subscribed to the wi strument, and acknowledged to me that.......... he----..---- executed the same. <br />NOTARY PUBLIC in and Notary's Signature........-`. `----------------•--•- -------------------------- •---------- <br />.------------------ •-•--------- <br />(Seal) for said County and State <br />Typeor Print Notary's Name ...................................................... ..`----------.....-------------------------------- <br />rorm no.:)w a 1c . ­7 <br />