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Deed - Bancroft Ave extension (Toyon Park) - File 431, 1959
City Clerk
City Council
Recorded Documents
Deed - Bancroft Ave extension (Toyon Park) - File 431, 1959
Entry Properties
Last modified
9/7/2022 5:47:44 PM
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9/7/2022 5:45:34 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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BEGINNING at a point on the northwesterly line of the <br />aforementioned property distant thereon north 41' 301 east 527 feet <br />from the intersection of said northwesterly line with the northeasterly <br />line of East 14th Street, running thence north 410 301 east 252 feet; <br />more or less, to a point on the northwesterly line of the aforementioned <br />property. (Affects a portion of Parcel 2) <br />Also all that portion of Parcel 2 that lies within that <br />certain tract of land aforementioned, 13 feet on each side of a center <br />line described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at the last aforementioned point which point <br />bears north 410 301 east 779 feet, more or less, from the intersection <br />of the northwesterly line of the aforementioned oroperty with the north- <br />easterly line of East 14th Street, running thence easterly along a <br />curve of 100 foot radius, through an arc of 90' for a distance of 157.08 <br />feet to a point on the northeasterly line of aforementioned property, <br />thence south 460 301 east 153.50 feet to a point, which point is the <br />southeastern corner of the aforementioned property. (Affects Parcel 2) <br />Together with the use of such additional land on either <br />side of said easements during the period of construction_ as is necessary <br />for the operation of equipment and the spreading of surplus dirt. <br />Notice of the pendency of said action was recorded July <br />17, 1945, in book 4703 O.R., page 449, Alameda County Records. <br />On July 17, 1945, said <br />said plaintiff to take possession of <br />in the complaint filed therein. <br />Court made its order authorizing <br />said property for the purpose stated <br />(4th) PERPETUAL EASEMENT and right of way for construction and <br />operation of a pipe or pipe lines, and necessary appurtenances, for <br />transmission and distribution of water, with right of ingress and egress <br />over a strip of land 10 feet wide, across Parcel 1, the center line <br />of which begins at a point on the northwestern line of premises, distant <br />thereon north 410 001 east 500 feet from the northeastern line of East <br />14th Street, and runs south 490 001 east 253.50 feet to the southeastern <br />line of premises, distant thereon north 410 001 east 500 feet from the <br />northeastern line of East 14th Street; as granted by Charles H. Maskell <br />and Ione F. Maskell to East Bay Municipal Utility District by instrument <br />dated September 18, 1948, recorded October 19, 1948, in book 5633 O.R., <br />page 401, Alameda County Records. (Affects Parcel 1) <br />Page 5 <br />
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