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Records of Alameda County, California, with the northwest <br />line of that parcel of land described in deed from Manuel <br />Silveira Davilla and wife, to Fred A. Davilla, recorded <br />March 7, 1934 in Book 3044, page 32, Official Records of <br />Alameda County, California; thence south 48' 301 east <br />142.89 feet along the said prolongation of the center <br />line to a point on the southeast line of said Davilla <br />parcel of land. <br />t, J <br />PARCEL 4 <br />A strip of land 32.00 feet in width, the southwest <br />line of said strip being described as follows: <br />Beginning at the point of intersection of the <br />southeasterly prolongation of the centerline of Bancroft <br />Avenue, as said avenue is shown on the map of Tract 639, <br />filed August 28, 1942 in Book 8 of Maps, pages 30 and 31, <br />Records of Alameda County, California, with the northwest <br />line of that parcel of land described in quitclaim deed <br />from Edna Cunha to Maria Serpa, recorded April 27, 1945 <br />in Book 4681, page 311, Official Records of Alameda County, <br />California; thence south 480 30' east 130.90 feet along <br />the said prolongation of the centerline to the southeast <br />line of the said Serpa parcel of land. <br />PARCEL 5 <br />Beginning at the point of intersection of the <br />southeasterly prolongation of the centerline of Bancroft <br />Avenue, as said avenue is shown on the map of Tract 639, <br />filed August 28, 1942 in Book 8 of Maps, pages 30 and 31, <br />Records of Alameda County, California, with the southeast <br />line of that parcel of land described in quitclaim deed <br />from Edna Cunha to Maria Serpa, recorded April 27, 1945 <br />in Book 4681, page 311, Official Records of Alameda County, <br />California; thence north 41* 30' east 32.00 feet along the <br />last mentioned line; thence south 480 30t east 12 feet; <br />thence south 41° 301 west 64.00 feet; thence north 480 30' <br />west 12 feet; thence north 410 30t east 32.00 feet to the <br />point of beginning. <br />PARCEL 6 <br />A strip of land 32.00 feet in width, the southwest <br />line of said strip being described as follows: <br />Beginning at the point of intersection of the north- <br />west line of that 5.23 acre parcel of land designated as <br />Parcel 1 in Decree of Distribution, Estate of Mary Marshall, <br />deceased, to Dorothy Giacometti, recorded June 3, 1946 in <br />Book 4881, page 465, Official Records of Alameda County, <br />California, with the southeasterly prolongation of the <br />centerline of Bancroft Avenue, as said avenue is shown <br />on the map of Tract 746, filed March 23, 1946 in Book 11 <br />of Maps, pages 54 and 55, Records of Alameda County, <br />California; thence south 480 30' east 252.12 feet along <br />the last mentioned prolongation to the southeast line of <br />the said 5.23 acre parcel of land. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described real property unto <br />said second part;Y forever for the sole object and purpose here- <br />inabove set forth and for no other purpose and should said real <br />property herein described be at any time used for any purpose <br />other than for the purpose hereinabove mentioned, then this <br />dedication shall immediately lapse and become null and void. <br />2. ,� <br />