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SCHEDULE "A" <br />PARCEL 1: BEGINNING at the intersection of the southwest line <br />of Bancroft Avenue, as said avenue is shown on the map of Tract <br />746, filed March 23, 1946 in Book 11 of Maps, pages 54 and 55, <br />Records of Alameda County, California, with the northwest line of <br />the parcel of land described in deed by Antone J. Vierra, et. al., <br />to C. H. McEntyre, recorded August 14, 1945, in Book 4762, page <br />160, Official Records of Alameda County, California; thence south <br />410 30' west 2.00 feet along the last mentioned line; thence south <br />480 30' east 79.86 feet to the southeastern line of the last <br />mentioned parcel of land; thence north 410 30' east 2.00 feet along <br />the last mentioned line to the said line of Bancroft Avenue; thence <br />north 480 30' west 79.86 feet along the last mentioned line to the <br />point of beginning. <br />PARCEL 2: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the north- <br />west line of a one (1) acre parcel of land described in deed of <br />gift from Francisco Jose Dutra and Luisa Mariana Dutra, his wife, <br />to Frank J. Dutra, dated September 30, 1915, recorded October 9, <br />1915 in Book 2396 of Deeds, page 65, Records of Alameda County, <br />California, with the southwest line of Bancroft Avenue, as said <br />avenue is shown on that certain map entitled "Tract 746, Eden <br />Township, Alameda County, California", filed March 23, 1946, in <br />Book 11 of Maps, pages 54 and 55, Records of Alameda County, <br />California; thence along said southwest line of Bancroft Avenue, <br />south 48' 30' east 79.86 feet to the southeast line of said one <br />(1) acre parcel of land; thence along said southeast line south <br />410 30' west 2.00 feet; thence north 48' 30' west 79.86 feet to the <br />northwest line of said one (1) acre parcel of land; thence along <br />said northwest line north 410 30' east 2.00 feet to the point of <br />beginning. <br />Page 3 <br />